... Just imagine ...

Prelude in two Pieces


  !! Horizons !!


!!!  Sights and Sound !!!

(! enjoy both pieces of the prelude until the two-step-prélude ends !) 

 for one never drove a car in my almost 60-year life

          let alone on a desert highway  

!!! ... this could be ...                  - - or - -                  ... this could be ... !!!

 ...hell ...                                              ... heaven ...

(remember the approach of dialectics)  

you thought to hear them say  



 ! art (ificial) reflections !

!!!   plenty of room  ... ... ... ... ... ...  any time of year ... ... ... ... ... you can find it here   !!!

such a lovely place                                             ...   ...   ...                                              such a lovely face 

 ↓ ↓ ↓

     you are advised to keep your mental seat belt fastened 

   because you might experience a kind of notional turbulence before getting to a safe and secure, comfortable and convenient altitude in terms of the state of your mind again 
























>> One of the most mysterious and widely speculated songs in rock history <<


 Hotel California

... last thing I remember - I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before - relax said the night man - we are programmed to receive - you can check out any time you like - but you can never leave ...                          

! hoop to be able to deliver a contribution to finally unravel the mystery of the matter !  

  ?! perhaps there were no pretty, pretty boys there to be called friends. I doubt if anyone was there at all, night man and the tiffany-twisted 'she' included ?!
    !?  maybe in 'real' it was just a kind of ghost hotel in an abandoned place, prone to desertification and the characters only existed in the imagination of a strange visitor by coincidence ?!

↓ ↓ ↓

>> The essence of a dramatic form is to let an idea come over people without it being plainly stated <<    

(Stanley Kubrick)