... light on things

doesn't look like "ghetto kids" to me  frankly 

? physically ghettoized ? 

... perhaps ... 

! can't look behind the scene !

... but ...

if you want to see real 

"ghetto kids" 


children mentally ghettoized 

... _looking at  the following_ ...

bluntly visible


   any need for looking behind a scene


conditioned to function efficiently

"from the cradle to the grave"

notice the disturbing emptiness in the children's eyes along with the childish décor

making  the entire impression all the more creepy  

... now ...

: speaking about creepiness :

we live in a world of 

religious conditioning

"from the cradle to the grave"


               was forced into many Jesus camps in my childhood, although Swiss-German, German, Dutch, English, Scottish, Norwegian and Swedish Evangelicals are less extreme than the American counterpart              

there is a strange
: phenomenon :
the Evangelical world is the most "Anglo-saxonized" realm within Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands Sweden and Norway (also Finland), likewise it is the most "Germanized" realm within Anglo-Saxon countries
: more so even  :
                  "Germanized - Americanized - Americanized - Germanized"                 


(Elvis  Pressler)

(the name originates in the South-German region Palatinate)
(? again me (at he left) with brothers and sister, a kind of Amishian and/or Mennonitian touch,  can you see it, can you feel it?)
you know what I mean - what I mean you know
don't you
                          ! consider the basics - basics are congruent !                      




      damn pretty well know what I am talking about      
      well really do - do really well         


      ...                  ...      

... ... ... 

: much worse even :  

in a
world where 

religious ugliness and blunt hatred conditioning of the utmost despicable kind are going hand in hand

"from the cradle to the grave"

... No Escape ...                                                                                                                                                        ... Escape ...

...                                                                                        ... ...                                                                                        ...