Castle courtyard II

... now ...

! remember the dialectical approach of the net art pioneering project you are within ! 

and again from

the (very) bright side 

a shift to

the (very) dark side 


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... what  I'd like to add ... is a photo of   ... guess who or what .... 

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   !!!   !!!   !!!  you'd hardly believe it !!!   !!!   !!!

(notice the position of the start button in the (-; face of this most famous composer ;-) for an initial familiarization with things to come)

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not the 

man made monster

but Frankenstein castle





... and ...

of course

when Frankenstein occurs in picture and mind 

Vlad Tepes (Vlad III. Drăculea) 


"next door"


(in the mind of yours and mine)

... but ...

 where was it  actually

the place where the

           undeath Prince of Wallachia and Transylvania wreaked havoc          

   >>The Impaler<< 

was it

? here ?                    ? there ?


! no ! 

!? over here ?!                      ...   ... then   ...   ...                      !? maybe ?!        


    according to  prof. dr. van Helsing      

                       (-; Harvard University's - Oxford University's - Leiden University's - without the slightest academic doubt - the world's - most renowned - vampirologist ;-)    


  cannot be certain 



historically connected to Drăculea 


  ... guess where and what ...  

↓ ↓ ↓

Poenari Castle

Poenari Castle

Făgăraș Mountains 

somewhere between Wallachia and Transylvania

according to the local people



must have been 

! there !

Bran castle



? somewhere ? 

! between !

more likely even


right here

Hunedoara castle Transylvania/Romania

... when the curtain is torn open ...

while the world appears differently 

in the cold light of the day


!!! get nasty - very nasty !!!

not only for the vampire 

...    so there you have it    ....

: once again : 

:: kind of resurrection from the darker corners of a Madam Tussauds cabinet of horrors :: 

Herman "the German" 

nice to meet you

Herman, looking forward to seeing you in Valhalla, Herman


? Peculiar vest pocket Herman ?

The most lurid castle in Europe 


is neither Frankenstein castle in Hesse/Germany 

nor Vlad Dracul's castle(s) in Transylvania/Romania

but this one here



in Westphalia/Germany one out of a very small number of 

triangular-shaped castles

the place 

where Herman and others of his kind indulged in ceremonies of the most obscure kind

mystifying and glorifying - and yes - gravely misinterpreting 

- Indo -

! Germanism ! 

       highlighted by compositions

   Anton Bruckner 


           ... first and fore ....         

   Richard Wagner 

     one ............ two ............ three ............ four

............ twelve ............


see such a 

........        ceremony in the castle's court yard        ........ 


a castle courtyard out of a

.... nightmare ....

↓ ↓ ↓

Richard Wagner (German) and Anton Bruckner (Austrian) were the composers 


and other fellow Nazis adore(d)

:: interestingly ::

: Herman the German confided in Nuremberg :

"every time I faced Hitler my heart sank"



>> Please allow me to introduce myself - I'm a man of wealth and taste - Stole many a man's soul to waste <<


            (;- self-portrait of me as a real Teuton - more Celt than Teuton but that does not matter anyway - and a portrait of a real Teuton living 1,650 yeas ago :-)     

(and notice further that the  shriveled pseudo Teuton and the real Teutons are of the same age, about 50 something  years’ old!


        notice how Lady Wagner - a native British child so to say - adopted by a German foster parent, by the way - is charmed 



Mein Führer

↓ ↓ ↓

now - is this not - what

? you see as an - inexplicable kind of surrender to a - spiritual power ?

for the worse


for the better

"Isus Hristos"

anyhow, with these images you may get an idea about the magic attraction the *leader* exerts on "followers"    

... it can rightly be said that Richard Wagner was a kind of proto-nazi: geistiger Wegbereiter)...

who is 



worshiped by German elites in politics and economy



to this day

↓ ↓ ↓

ladies and gentlemen apparently prone to the misconception that one can maintain a Nazi shithole as culture temple 


! as what the Wagner circus in Bauyreuth and its admirers  in politics and economy concerns !

: there is an apt saying :

*Mitgehangen  ...  Mitgefangen*
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::: not only was a selfish personality but rather so the personified selfishness :::    

full of pride, arrogance and greed for recognition and appreciation

("a picture is worth a thousand words")


to the contrary 

was a shy, retiring and humble, almost awkward personality


never ceased to doubt the genuineness of his work   

unlike Wagner Bruckner by no means showed tendencies to exalt himself in order to humiliate others

? what is the reason then for Hitler's fondness towards Bruckner as a person and as a composer ?

if you have a thorough look at the 

↑ Bruckner portrait ↑ 

and the 

↓  Schicklgruber  portrait  ↓  

you might get a more comprehensive idea on why 

- beyond the music dimension -

! folkish-nationalist-esoteric constructions and interpretations


  (who's real surname was Schicklgruber - due to fuzzy - pretty incestuous interfamily relations) 

adored Bruckner

? was it a kind of projection ?


   ? did he see in him a kind of (good) alter ego of a (mean) father ?


... anyhow ...

Bruckner as well as Schicklgruber had ancestry in Linz/River Danube/Austria

Hitler's favourite place to be

... so ... 

one more thing

... not  ...


the most cruel and ruthless rulers in European history 

... in terms of the quantity of evilness ...  

! the difference !
Hitler ("Führer") was aggressive towards "the others"
abominably aggressive  - to state it mildly 
      Stalin ("Eождь, Vožd")  was aggressive towards "his own"    


: the one :


 looks like an advertising poster for toddler nutrition or even the advertising brochure of a reproductive medicine provider, does it not, bright blue eyes always "sells", you know
but without the slightest emotional doubt by far an wide the creepiest child in the world

with an illegitimate child as father :

looks like a mugshot style image of a juvenile delinquent, does it not  






(very much like this interpreter - as you may have/will notice(d) from other magic bubbles - here -he's a "Viennese original" - ever since I was a juvenile (about 10 years older than me)         



and applicant at the Vienna Art College


(twice dismissed by arrogant scholars  - "no artistic value" -  the substantiation of the dismissal  

      (-;  ...      ...     ...    ;-)         


: as mentioned son of a certain :     

Mr.  Alois Schicklgruber aka Hiedler aka Hitler   

(a civil servant of low rank)

: the other :


of the Russian Orthodox Theological Seminary in Tbilisi/Georgia 

(what is presented here, is the Art Museum of Georgia, located in the building in which the Orthodox Theological Seminary was housed in former times, with the young Jughashvili as most prominent attendant)  

: son of certain : 

Mr. Besarion Ivanes dze Jughashvili

(a peasant from Georgian high mountains)

(what do you think about this kind of fathers -  I, for one, am glad that none of them were mine - the Devil literally jumps out of these faces)    









... but ...


the most cruel and ruthless ruler in European history


 : son of a certain preceding Walachian and Transylvanian ruler :

Vladislav II  

... in terms of the quality of dreadfulness ...


! what you see here is what is called !

 !!!!!!!!! "the banality of evil" !!!!!!!!!  

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    !? as if it was so easy to determine what's banally evil and what is intrinsically good ?! 

...        <>           ...          <>          ...

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