Pillars and voids

... knowing only a very little about the ...



but absolutely nothing about the 

. ..  ...   ....    .....     ......      .......       ........        .........         ..........          "voids"          ..........         .........        ........       .......      ......     .....    ....   ...  .. .  

>>Cosmologists have established that much of the stuff of the universe is made of dark matter, a mysterious, invisible substance that can't be directly detected but which exerts a gravitational pull on surrounding objects. Dark matter is thought to exist in a vast network of filaments throughout the universe, pulling luminous galaxies into an interconnected web of clusters, interspersed with seemingly empty voids.<<




?! "you are here" !? 

... good to know ...

! anyway !

  (-; Oh my God ;-)

... I ...

...         beg you         ...

      ...  beam me up Scotty do me a favour                                  let us make the puppets dance  ...              

    puppet dance through the time and the space           


...  I ...  

    ... am completely lost  ...  lost  ...  in space and time  ...       

  ... now ...   

          compare      it       to this                


(;- impressive impressions ;-) 

...  ...


 : a :
rhetorical question   
should be asked 

? isn't it a mysterious and mystical - possibly magical - but yet apparent coincidence ?     

that the 

microcosmic structure     
of our

- as it turns out to be - 

! is "looking" pretty damn much the same as the largest detectable macro cosmic structures !      

and thus ultimately the 


? we live in ?

: to quote Albert Einstein at this point : 

>> The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science << 


: Nikola Tesla :

:  (Einstein and Tesla had mutual admiration for each other)  : 

>> My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.

I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists <<

In the following truly mind-boggling videos


not the brain is the 


but rather the eye

: two :
! presentations !

the first is 


the second is 


    ?  but what my dear is fantasy and what is real here ? 

! nobody - God damn - can be !  

 !! ! sure ! !!


: hint : 

  as you clearly can see in the second video, you and me are living in a vast bubble (called the Oort Cloud) within a much vaster bubble (called the Local Bubble)

to get a  better imagination about that see another magic bubble called 

space show 

         within this arguably magical experience you are encountering right now