


Light I

what a masterpiece of visual arts

! staggeringly real and immanently magical at the same time !

_ hold on _

? what to think about this ?

... once more ...

! staggeringly real !

!! and immanently magical !!

have a thorough look in all detail and take a deep breath

enjoy what you see


: there  you have it : 


 or as it once was 


have had been appearing to Bierstadt 

at least



(opp.  direction -  can you see it)

... so ...

if you hold on and compare this to an 

real image of an extraterrestrial scenery

(Planet Mars)


to an imaginative exoplanetary scenery

? would it be idle fantasy to imagine this Martian landscape or imaginative exoplanetary landscape looking like one of these Bierstadt sceneries ? 

 but then 



long..........................................................................long......................................................................... time 

! ago ! 

let all
        these deep magical effects affect in all calmness for a while           

but never mind 

... let us do something quite different ...