Pioneering    Virtual Art  

it's a kind    of magic   

Web Art Project

... to put it in a nutshell ...

do not believe in the

: esotericism, occultism, witchcraft, white or black magic and all that lugubrious stuff (fuss) :


do not believe in 

prophesying  - soothsaying - fortunetelling

and all that  

 gloom and doom   

! it is my conviction that nobody - for all our sake - has real precognitive abilities !  

 (ability to do a feasible forecast or make - a real prediction about - what will gonna happen in days to come)

 !? what will be there in the future !? 

is not          ours          to see 

... and ...
guess this way is for the better

_ absulotely _

! but don't let me be misunderstood !


mean there are magical things anyway


 it seems to be not easy to gain access onto them 

and right at the moment access is gained

it is almost certain they are not there

     .... any more ....    

    just gone             ... ...              you know   

...  so       no  ...


  "magic"     rather     "seeing"



↓ ↓ ↓

!? "angriest old white man in the world" ?!

↑ ↑ ↑

    >>yes and God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good<<

...         ...         ...

  ↓         ↓         ↓  


beeple <> elpeeb

   (-; other way round ;-) 

      (-;  (-;  bearded or unbearded ;-) ;-)  

       seemed very good at the moment God saw what he'd made     

: in the German language a person who sees is called :


(seeing - not - blind)  




: _______ : 


             : in a metaphysical manner : seherisch : in a physical manner : sehend :     

(-; you see ;-) 


...      but     ...

    mentioned above I do not believe in precognition

 and  do  you
? know why really ?

! because !

  as it turns out 
!! to be !!

!!! it's immensely difficult seeing what is there already  !!! 

... why ...


- frankly -

? feeling any necessity to see what is not there yet ?

... so to say ...

 what the ongoing series it's a kind of magic

 is about is 

   !!! no !!!   

    sim-sala-bim  ||| mib-alas-mis     


    . . . . . abracadabra ..      ||     .. arbadacarba . . . . .      

abracadab  abracada abracad abraca abrac abra abr ab  

.. hocuspocus .. jiggerypokery .. flimflam .. mumbojumbo .. hankypanky ..


.. woo-woo ..  

(-; oowoo ;-) 



.. .. ! .. but .. ! .. ..

_ to see _              and            _ be seen _


: in an


listening ... carefully
now ... you ... will 


 you will *hear* my dear
! this could be the first !   

-  trumpet

! this could be the last !