A heavenly father



     : the question - that strikes me - and not only me :     

    ? What really is the matter with the supposed 'Father' the Almighty ?      




you know   

  this personification of peculiarity sitting there on its heavenly throne

!? >> 'us' << ?!  
''pluralis majestatis''

jealously watching 

the unconditional loyalty and obedience of its beloved chosen people 

!! jealousy should not !!

     !!! not at all be a trait of character of a morally credible deity !!! 

  let alone a supposed creator of the earth and heavens

>>pondered and deemed clearly too light<<

(Daniel 5, 27) 

 ... as an individual I for one am glad - and maybe just had luck - not having had a jealous father ...

guess it is much better growing up with no father at all than with a jealous father    


... here you have an expression of the individual's feeling towards its earthly father ...

    (love the interpreter - the song so badly - the very heart of the music - you know)     

!?! listen to the song carefully and then think about whether a jealous person can/could be integrative in any way !?! 

? ... well now ... ?

 jealous person certainly fits in the picture of the hyper-patriarchal Adonai or Yahweh described in the Tanach and  more specifically in the Torāh again and again and again 

but would it also fit in this ideal of an 


!?  loving and caring truly parental father ?!
          libraries are filled about the matter of God's love to humankind      

... ... ...
! agape !


no libraries are filled about the matter of(f) God's ordinary pathological jealousy   

! purchased this LP as a 14-year-old  at my first visit to London in 1976 on my own in a Christian record store just behind St. Paul's Cathedral only for the attractive cover
back home in South-Germany I 'discovered' that I very,  very much like it !


(my favourite as a 14-year old/1976)

? and why my dear, please tell me, should standards that apply for an earthly father not apply for a heavenly father ?   

! frankly ! 

: Again : 
? God's love to humankind ?  

    ?? for       heaven's         sake ??

(my favourite as a 15-year old /1977) 

... About Christ Jesus ...

...      ...     ...

(my favourite as a 16-year old/1978)



his aim was the establishment of a kingdom not of this world

in a mere spiritual realm 


he has gotten barely any of that at all



! we have the Church !

>>A kingdom of heaven? A heavenly kingdom? I don't need that, I don't want that! What I need, what I want, is more justice within the "earthly kingdoms"<<

>>blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness <<
(Matthew 5.6)

so  far so

! good / bad !

the upper statement(s) (stance) are (is) provocative if not polemic

 yet rational



my dear

! that's not all !

!! there is a contrarian - a contemplative dimension  - of all that stuff !!    

: to give you an idea of that have a look at the following bubble : 

Heaven can and should wait 


High Mass


 about the  

! Holy Spirit ! 

some*thing*  utmost immaterial by its very  *nature* 

(remember the dialectical idea of this cyber experience)

as you will feel


  ?! as an Internet experience of a special kind !?

!!I promise !!!