Shed a different ...



to be  

   considered a questionable 

? kind of art ?   

? showing people ?   


... this photo belongs to a series of award winning  impressions of the ...


? what do you see on these photos

: see the : 

...   ...   ...

...   ...

common ethnic offspring

(Indo-Aryan ancestry)


? can you imagine an ?


Arian population      from the     Atlantic to      Western China
        (Afghan         Swedish                    Serbian          Siberian)

     ...                                                             ...  
(Mennonites is America             Mennonites is Siberia)


people of ancient Western-Southern Central Asia 

: most notably : 

from Kurdistan - the Caucasus - Iran - over the Hindu Kush - North-West Pakistan - Kashmir - up to Northwest-China - and - down to Central India 


the major population of 

Western Northern Central and Eastern Europe over the last 8,000 years

! Indo-Greek      Indo-Celtic     Indo-Germanic      Indo-Baltic      Indo-Slavic !

 ...           ...           ...           ...         ...           ...



              as an individual this neopagan activity is unfamiliar if not frightening                  

to me


  !! undoubtedly !!

!! not !!  
every thing
to be
? intellectually ? 
                                  may coped with                                   
            ! emotionally !              


descent depicted

 ...             ...              ...  

(Irish    German    Polish)


you like  


a portrait of a girl from Kurdistan

a portrait of a boy from Kurdistan 






   monochrome images are from a British film  ... ...  the American - John Carpenter - remake of it



"the village of ... ... the damned"  




 following image depicts  

my brothers, sister and me (at the left) when we were children    

 ?!  art  !?


  ? "genuinely or kitschy" ?      

... either way ...

am aware that this is a kind of 


(if so at all) 

  ! on very tricky territory !

on the one hand      

 mysterium fascinosum   -   basic racism on the other