Multiple personalities

Selfie II  



 . ..   ...    ....     .....       ......       .......        ........                                       mirror in the mirror || rorrim eth ni rorrim                                      ........        .......       ......      .....    ....   ...  .. . 

         ( go enjoy this HD version of a musical masterpiece on a quiet level)          


truly  !

magical moment to start !

..  ..  ..  ..

... neither ...



... the issue here ...














   in this 

     . ..   ...    ....     .....       ......       .......        ........           cameo infinite          ........        .......       ......      .....    ....   ...  .. .         

: about myself : 

↑ ↑ ↑ 

the guys on my photo 

just a simple-minded singularity of guy

 from a lower middle class family 

(-; (-; son of a painter ;-) ;-)  

    attending an agricultural and horticultural school at an age when real artists are enrolling in their respective academy of arts   




fancy family name

fancy indeed fancy 



    (-; "owl" from head to toe - if you "like" ;-)     


that could hardly be more in line with my aspirations as a 

low-profile magician / initiator and creator of this ongoing project in pioneering conceptual art of the next generation 


 in my capacity as a conceptual artist    

in this bubble 

! am conceptualizing some things pretty damn well intriguing !


  man-animal metamorphosis 




























: concept closely related : 


(well-known in Native-American cultures)



in order to close the circle within the current magic bubble 

"multiple personalities" 

human-human transmigration 




predominantly related to ancient Eastern cultures 




predominantly related to ancient Western cultures

ʕ curious ? 

Ladies and Gentlemen

! here we go !



















Owl Head 

(aka Charging Thunder)

Lakota Sioux

 'looked' bit like me 


see two of

my latest selfies


or is

it me who looks like another 

Lakota Sioux


Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake 

("Sitting Bull")

more than a bit perhaps




! © 1884 Palmquist & Jürgens ! - Íyotake himself wouldn't have given a fuck about copyrights - ownership as the most "comprehensive" right - the very core of Judeo-Christian tradition        

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(Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake together with his nephew and adopted son Tȟatȟáŋka Waŋžíla by whom - according to other family members - he was ultimately betrayed) 

(the twenty bugs in return for betrayal that count - you know  - Tȟatȟáŋka Waŋžíla was prone to seduction  or call it corruption - Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake was not)

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Shortly before his life came to an end by the hand of the Indian agency police as part of the United States Indian Police (USIP) 

Íyotake became 


 Roman Catholic Christian


        admired the Lord Christ Jesus as a person - disdained hence despised - Roman clerical  structures to his dying day           

but very much liked the  


   - in the threefold meaning of the word-

of a  

Holy Mother  

  ! per sé  - therefore -  as such ! 


(purification from original sin) 

and / or


(preservation from original sin)

so do 



like Íyotake did

do not believe in a 



  nor in  an

  Heavenly Father - but in an earthly father - as experienced in       

  my somewhat happier times in my very personal life


...         ...



! and !


 ever admired him deeply - since I was a young boy    

 "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"  

... that there is a striking facial parallel ...  


 ... resemblance ... 

between him and me  - is something - I discovered recently  

! all the more remarkable !



there are resemblances among 


such occur within the same family

or ethnic background and culture


inexplicably and uncannily     

in rare cases we recognize an amazing resemblance between

people of entire different ethnicity

...                        ...

: exempli gratia - gratia exempli :
Martin Luther King - Martin Luther Refo


 :: another native American of fame :: 

Gerónimo Goyaałé - Chiricahua Apache 

stunningly resembled 


lady from Brittany - seen as a "witch"     

la (»sorcière Naïa«) or

as a Celtic Druidín if you
(no neopagan wannabe - but a real one - as you can see and feel)     

very present still in our days, not only in : America, Ireland, UK, Belgium, France, Iberia but also in what was once Celtic heartland : South-Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Northern Italy


  . . .  
  the idol(s)  of my childhood - as  mentioned already              
. . .

  ↓ ↓ ↓  

... resemblance is not the point ...
(-; imaginative great-grandfather and great-grandson ;-)
(real great-grandfather and great-grandson)



! the point is that Íyotake was one of the most remarkable figures in history of mankind !

? why is that so ?


with integrative potential among various Native American peoples
(integrative dexterity - beyond the Lakota - even the Sioux as such)

- and new white inhabitants up to a certain degree -
(Íyotake, his wife, children and Caroline Weldon - Susanna Karolina Fesch, Swiss-German-American - his personal secretary and "white" confidante)       
- a tragic person - she and her son - 

! together with other fellow commanders !

Crazy Horse another fascinating personality  


   to challenge the occupation and settlement of land militarily  


      - for profound distrust by "Protestant America" of the late 19th century -    


! Íyotake gradually became aware that on the long run his indigenous people would inevitably be on the losing side ! 

  because things going on not just were a matter of 


(leaving Southampton/England for Delft /Holland)

(embarking from Delft/Holland to "New" England)

  (:when I was a boy I learned a rhyme:)   







into a new space


(the latter images are over-romanticised, imagine, after such a strained voyage in a nutshell,  lasting several weeks, upon their arrival in "New" England they must have looked like caged animals in a war-zone) 

but one of 

religiously motivated and justified land-grabbing

(again an over-romanticised image)




 ↓ ↓ ↓ 


            be aware that it was counter-reformative Catholicism they fled from             


... not least due to an  increasing world population ...

land-grabbing was a common phenomenon throughout the history of human settledness

and, of course, still 



worse than land-grabbing as such


is land-grabbing  in a religious context

more specifically 

usurpation of land seen as "promised" land  

(... Canaan by Ishmaelite's and Israelite's Übervater (Genesis 15:7) - Eastern Europe by the Teutonic Order - Siberia by Orthodox Christianity - South-Africa by Dutch Boere - North-America by English Puritans ...)

(I see "the Redneck" in my mind, in his left hand an open Bible, in his right hand a rifle at gunpoint, behind him 'his' wife together with a considerable crowd of children: "Goooad gaaive uss this läääiiiind") 

Íyotake was a philanthropist 

in the true - rather than perverted  sense - of the word

... since he was able to see the unvarnished truth of what was going on there ...    

and what
fucking really matters
(in Judeo-Christian culture as well as in most other sophisticated cultures: Arabia, Turkey, Iran, India, China, Korea, Japan, just to name a few) 

he was damn well aware that rationally he couldn't do anything against it 

: reason for him to flee into the irrational

Roman Catholicism  

and even more so


Ghost Dance


!!! leery about the idea !!!


decided to let the movement take its course  


or rather a non-decision decision 

that ultimately sealed his fate

and the fate of his 



James McLaughlin

Washington's servant in charge of maintaining law and order on the Lakota reservation
was firm in his intention to have  him arrested
btw. in contrary to his wife Marie .btw 

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  - !!! dead or alive !!!! -

 ! Mc Laughlin knew the core of his culture : the most despicable kind of money : is money in return for betrayal !      
      ?! 20,00 "bugs"  in silver coins that is what "counts" my dear really didn't you know  that?!             

"God zij met ons               -              in God we tust"  
                    a kind of Coined Culture = 'Calvinism at its Finest'                      

              "if you like 're able to see"           

  !  no matter what !

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...   ...

... ... ...



see the young "Sitting Bull" at the first row, left - with fellow Lakota-Sioux "Spotted Tail" (Brulé-Laktota-Sioux) at the first row, right and the young "Red  Cloud" (Oglala-Laktota-Sioux) at the second row, right,
along with "Swift Bear" (Arapaho) at the first row, centre and Julius Meyer, at the second row, left, a Jewish-German interpreter in command of various Siouan languages and dialects
although Julius Meyer's primary motives were "collecting" and "trading" there must have been something that attracted Meyer to American Natives and something that attracted Native Americans to Meyer

...         ↓ ↓ ↓        ...

 ...    ...


... a final remark ...

! it is not my intention to insinuate evil motives of English Puritan pilgrim fathers ! 

and their

! biblical role model(s) !


European missionaries in Africa 

in the first place

I think it is basically indecent to make moral judgments from a today's point of view about things that have happened centuries or even millennia ago 

 ... though ...  

have never been to North-America 
- had been once to Colombia not at all for adventure but to see my foster children in Bogotá -
                      - and experiencing a culture shock in the most literal sense of the word -                 

- the deeper awareness  that I can  only foster a few of them  while leaving  zillions of others in total turmoil  and disarray drives me crazy  !!! completely mad  !!!    

        my stance on the issue could be described as ambivalent to the bone almost at the brink of insanity as echoed by means of this very magic bubble                 


in my capacity as a digital artist and a low profile magician I'd like to point out  apparent ambiguities                

  ! here in this very bubble it is about the apparent ambiguity of the American (his-)story / the  American Creed !

in particular 

  (Scottish and Irish Presbyterians - French Huguenots - Swiss and Dutch Calvinists - German and Swedish Lutherans - were part of that story from early on)

                  and  yes   !!! Judaeo-Christian tradition's ambiguity : continuously : focusing on having rather than being !!!   in  general                 

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  >> ownership is the most comprehensive right a person can have <<

 "insight"-out                         .vs.                       "outsight"-in 


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the 'American' face  
the Native American - the Afro-American - the Celtic American  
look at you
  ? can you see it - can you feel it ?   
      am so fond of Hendrix - just can't explain why        
  is it


? lyrric power along with innovative musical performance ?    

        ↓ ↓ ↓       ↓ ↓ ↓         


                      !!!    one among the most innovative 20th' century artists     !!!                     

>>recorded in 1733 in the Benjamin Franklin Studios a thing called <<

(!! Spanish Castle Magic - with the best grade - of best grade !!)       
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                            ? can you hear it - can you feel it ?                                

! : Spanish Castle was Hendrix' Strawberry Field : !    

a place of
      pleasant memories of rare easygoing untroubled juvenile moments 

↓ ↓ ↓  

  >>because I am going to Strawberry - Fields nothing is real - and nothing to get hung about<<                  
    >>it's not in Spain it's a groovy name - but it's all in your mind - just float your little mind around<<                  
(;- hanging around unconventionally - unconventional hanging around ;-)            

            (know the matter only too well - this w as my - Spanish Castle - Strawberry field)            
    ...  ...  ...          

! lots and lots of life music "for nothing" in the pre-neoliberal era !
  ! my favourites then, saw and very, very much enjoyed them many times !

? can you imagin a scenery like this or this over and over again ?   

  ...  ...                                     ...   ...       
(from Heidelberg)                 (from Tubingen)    
(;- from Vienna - only saw - them once ;-)   

...   ...  
...      ...  
    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...     


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