
General History

Koskelli is the last remaining ethnic nation of the Elves and their ethnicity. While their race exists in many other somewhat independent cities and dispersed throughout human nations, Koskelli is the last remaining bastion of true undiluted elvish culture; at least, that's what the Elves of Koskelli believe. Like many other Nations, Koskelli directly attributes their founding to a Deity, Ephara, who they claim built this city with her own hands.

However, it is believed that Kosk, and therefore Koskelli was the first true settlement built by the Elven race. It is believed that shortly after its founding, Koskelli began a period of rapid expansion from their capital, with its borders stretching as far north as the western borders of Akros and as far south as to encompass the entirety of Lindus.

The subsequent collapse of Koskelli remains a mystery, it is thought to be the result of an internal civil war that occurred after the first mythical High King, Katar Ardryll, died approximately 8,000 years ago. Ever since then, Koskelli's borders have shrunk with each year as foreign powers push for territory as Koskelli gradually looses its influence. Despite this, the prevalence of skill that can be found within Koskelli within their monasteries and magic schools have allowed them to maintain relevance to an extent. However Koskelli is not beloved by its neighbors, the Elven nation is not without its share of prejudices, as such they are barely just tolerated by the other nations.

Economy and Culture

Koskelli is an Absolute Monarchy, with the majority of its internal economy being funded and controlled by the government, with its citizens being given certain things according to their caste. It operates in essence like a Socialist Market Economy.

Koskelli's Culture is one of rigidity. Each Elf was born into their role, and must abide by it; and one must always afford respect to one born in a higher caste. The Culture and philosophy of Koskelli is one of Respect and Inner Peace, at best it teaches one to not fight against their own responsibilities, and at worst its a tool for totalitarian regimes to stay in power.

Like many other Elves, Koskelli Elves venerate the Gods of Theros, but they also have heavy emphasis on ancestor worship and racial purity.

Caste System

Koskelli operates on a Caste system regarding societal roles that are often a result of race and birth. there is no upwards mobility between castes, with only the rare fall from grace. However, despite this rigid system, the Elves within them are usually at peace with this system, as it draws off their innate born talents.

The Cast System is as follows.

  1. High Kings/Queens (and the Royal Family): A hereditary position that is passed from the previous High Rulers to their eldest child, or the oldest sibling or sibling's child. The royal family of Koskelli is entirely comprised of High Elves, and if a member of the royal family mingles with a lower caste elf or race, they will immediately be reduced to the Disgraced Caste.
  2. Mages: The highest Caste available to non High Elves, Elves who prove themselves to be capable of extensive mage craft powered by their own skill or innate power are a part of this caste, and tend to be of the most valued.
  3. High Elves: Elves with the blood of the High King founder of Kosk, in essence his descendants and distant relatives, are automatically part of the social elite upon birth in Koskelli, and are respected by the lower castes. Being a High Elf in Koskelli allows an Elf better access and upwards mobility in terms of becoming a mage or being eligible for marriage with the royal family. Even if a High Elf assumes a lower class position, their status as a High Elf will never wane.
  4. Soldiers: The most straightforward of the Castes, The Soldiers of Koskelli are few in numbers but highly trained. Among them only Elves are permitted, Wood Elves and High Elves being the most common.
  5. Craftsmen/Skillful: Elves that have a specific skill that they can execute with impunity or are able to craft specialist items such as clocks, arcane gadgets, or other such things are delegated to this position. Alternatively, skilled fighters not part of the standing army are part of this caste.
  6. Tradesmen: Elves that are capable of performing high skill tasks along a trade, such as basic artisans, smiths, and writers, are delegated to this caste.
  7. Laborers: Elves with no other benefit to society other then their use in menial labor are delegated to this caste. No High Elf has ever been a Laborer, and its population is mostly made up of wood Elves and free Drow.
  8. Non-Elves: This is the Caste that is one of the most shunned, and it encompasses all non elves, diplomats, travelers, and merchants. While not directly despised or mocked, they are heavily discriminated against institutionally, with little rights afforded to them.
  9. Disgraced/Slaves: High Elves plotting assassinations against Royalty, Illegal Half-Elves, Slaves, and the enslaved Drow all have one thing in common; They are viewed and treated like the muck of the earth by Koskelli. Each of these types of people are enslaved and forced to work in the many mines, lumber mills, or other such grueling work for no pay, and scraps of rotten food. When one of these Disgraced or slaves dies, they are often fed to the pigs.

Half Breeding

Half Elves are in a unique position within Koskelli, and are uniquely used among the Koskelli elite as diplomats. However, their position in Koskelli, though cushy, is far more dehumanizing then most. Half Elves within Koskelli are seen as tools, nothing more and nothing less. They are in essence, slaves to the state, with the better among them being specially bred with the better of High Elves and human slaves. If a Half Elf enters Koskelli or is otherwise illegally bred and born and is discovered, then they are subject to immediate enslavement by the Koskelli Elites for uses as charismatic house slaves and diplomats. The reason Half elves in particular are used in this manner is a direct result of the typical Koskelli elf's lack of interest in dealing with foreign powers and their own lack of charisma.

However, not all Half Elves are appreciated in this way, if a Koskelli Elf breeds with any other creature other than a human, the parents and offspring will be executed with impunity for impurity.


The Population of Koskelli is practically entirely Elves, as Koskelli does not permit any non pure Elves to buy and hold property. That said, of the population, Wood Elves are the most common, with High Elves second, and the Eladrin third. Drow and Shadar kai both exist within Koskelli. The drow within Koskelli being slave elves used to mine in expansive mining networks, and the non-slave Shadar Kai are used primarily as spies and Soldiers. Sea Elves are also commonly used by Koskelli, especially with their relationship to Tritons, allowing them to be lucrative partners.


The Koskilli are by far one of the most reclusive people. The Elves of the Koskelli rarely leave the borders of Koskelli, gaining any news from the occasional traveler or merchant. Additionally, while the border is somewhat restrictive, the main kinds of people allowed to enter are as followed, Travelers (going Through Koskelli), Merchants, and people who have signed up or are seeking to sign up with one of the many different colleges of magic and martial arts within Koskelli.

Planar Influences

Koskelli is by far the nation with the most influence from other planes, with both the Shadowfell and Feywild having substantial presences within Koskelli as a result of the prominent magic use within the nation's borders. The forests of Koskelli is heavily warped by the Feywild, with many entrances to the feywild existing naturally within the forests of Koskelli. Fey beasts and fairies are often part of the local fauna, to the point they are comparable with the foxes and rabbits of other nation's wildernesses.

The Shadowfell on the other hand, is far more unreliable in its influences, but many of Koskelli's mountains and caves will apparate portals, and it is said the Koskelli Mages may have even generate a true stable portal to the Shadowfell in order to rescue their lost kin.


Koskelli do not use currency in their normal transactions. They instead rely on a system of credit which is determined by ones Caste. a person of a High Elf Caste for example, is able to acquire roughly 400 Aureus Gold worth in items provided they work well with the government. Koskelli's division of Credit determines how much each individual in each caste is allotted depending on their worth and value to Koskelli. Non Elves do not buy things from Elven Vendors, they instead deal directly with the High King's financial advisors provided they have a merchant permit. These kind of dealings are more along international relations then true shopping, as it works as a way for the government to obtain bartering power in the form of currency while also allowing people to sell their goods.


High King Eneles Ardryll

High King Eneles Ardryll is the supposedly 15th High Ruler, and assumed his position with the death of his Mother, the previous High Queen nearly six hundred years ago from the current date. Since his inauguration, High King Eneles has made substantial attempts to completely isolate Koskelli from the rest of the known world. To the point where it is a infamous rumor that he is practicing Conjuration and Planar magic in an attempt to actually teleport the entire country away.

In regards to his other ambitions, Eneles has also instituted new laws that saw the rounding up and internment of the few pre-existing non-elven peoples that dwelled within Koskelli within the last 200 years. These Camps that the people are sent to basically strip the people of their valuables before either deporting them or enslaving them, depending on their value to Koskelli and other nations.

Settlement: CapitalPopulation: 3,543Government: Empire, consulshipDemonyms: Koskian, Koskai, KoskanLeader: High King ArdryllResources: Artisans, Mages, Rare Plants,Geography: FloatyDefenses: Standing Army: ~300Reserves: ~900Demographics:Common Races: 99.8% -High Elves: 22%-Wood Elves: 56%-Eladrin: 3 %-Pallid Elf: 1%-Drow: 15%-Shadar Kai: 4% Non Elves: 0.2% (Usually Half-Elves)Indentured Servitude: Judicial Max: lifeCivil Max: indefinite


Kosk is one of the most long lived cities as a direct result of the High Elves that predominately call it home. It has one of the smallest populations, yet housing some of the best craftsmen and mages in the entire known world. The city's long life is a result of the magic, a form of transmutation magic allowing some of the best Elven mages to essentially deny the laws of gravity; making the city float. This makes Kosk inaccessible to most would be invaders, and problematic for people to enter who are not welcome in the city, such as non Elves or non mages. There are some basic ways people can access the city, with the assistance of one of the few gate keeping Mages who control the Teleportation circles and have the ability to assist others through spells should they need to go up or down from the city.

The City also hosts numerous works of art, incredible gardens, libraries, as well as monasteries and wizarding towers. It also houses the Royal Palace, where the High King and his many advisors and departments deliberate.


  • The High Gardens
  • The Library of Koskelli
  • The High Ruler's Palace
  • The Department of Trade & Credit