Expansion Units

From the following document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwF09f1afXWlUnJtcnZHV0ZaV0E/view

  • Expansions can be built any time after construction.

  • The owner must expend the gold cost, then the DT days needed to complete the expansion.

  • Expansions carry a cost in expansion units, which no structure can exceed their limit on.

  • Characters needn't be present for the construction, however their labor if they are present reduces the cost by a percentage equal to half the character's level, rounded up. More than one character can secure this benefit at one time.

  • Multiple expansions can be built at once, but laboring characters can only benefit one at a time.

Alchemist's Lab

AKA: Herbalist's Lab, Witch's Hut

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 300 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies can cast all transmutation spells as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. In addition, alchemist's supplies and an herbalist's kit are always considered to be present here, and any checks made with these tools are made with advantage by individuals who have proficiency with them.

Animal Pen

AKA: Monster Cage, Griffon Roost, Dragon Trap, Kennels

Units: 1 or 2 expansion units

Cost: 200 or 500 gp

Time: 15 or 30 days

Benefit: This expansion allows creatures to be held securely and safely, whether or not they have the desire to be, until you choose to release them. The creatures may not be humanoid, and may hold five creatures sized small, three sized medium, or one sized large. If built using two expansion units, this capacity is doubled, and the pends may house one huge creature. This expansion does not automatically include creatures, which must be acquired by other means. This expansion may be bought multiple times.

Arcanist's Study

AKA: Binding Circle, Interrogation Chamber, Mirror Maze

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 300 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Choose abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, or illusion. While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all spells of this chosen school as if the slots expended were two highers level, to a maximum spell level of 9th. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here that deal with this chosen school of magic have advantage. This expansion may be built multiple times, and each time, a different school must be chosen.


AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 1500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: When the structure is under attack, any staff without a combat role may visit the armory and afterwards count as a guard (MM 347). Staff equipped in this way may not be used offensively, and will only count as guards while they fight in defense of the structure.


AKA: null

Units: 2 expansion units

Cost: 1500 gp

Time: 30 days

Benefit: The expansion may hold and house an additional 50 soldiers in communal bunks. Non-combat staff may not reside here.

Battle Ring

AKA: Training Grounds

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 300 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Those who spend at least 1 DT day here sparring or training here add 1d4 to the damage of each of their attacks until the next long rest.


AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Roll four times on the Merchants table at the end of this section. These merchants are present for 7 days, after which they depart and four new randomly-rolled merchants arrive, continuing this pattern every 7 days.


AKA: Shrine, Spirit Lodge, Observatory

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all divination spells as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. Wisdom (Religion) checks made here that deal with the deity, philosophy, or religion the chapel is associated with have advantage. This expansion may be built multiple times, and each time a different religion or philosophy for the chapel must be chosen.

Defensive Walls

AKA: Magical Barrier

Units: 2 expansion units

Cost: 2000 gp

Time: 30 days

Benefit: Provides a 5-foot thick, 20-foot high wall that encircles the structure, made of wood, stone, or magical force, within 30 feet of the edge of the structures physical building. Contains gates and small towers for sentries. Each five-foot wide, five-foot thick panel of this panel of this wall has an AC of 15 and 800 hit points.

Dining Hall

AKA: Ballroom, Mess Hall

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 200 gp

Time: 1 days

Benefit: Any person that consumes a meal in this room gains a point of inspiration that lasts until their next short rest. If the meal was prepared by an individual with proficiency with cook's utensils, those consuming it instead gain two points of inspiration.

Docks, Air (not currently accepted)

AKA: null

Units: 2 expansion units

Cost: 10000 gp

Time: 30 days

Benefit: A number of airships equal to your structure's total expansion points may dock safely at this expansion. Mechanical elevators and cranes are also present to raise and lower cargo. Roll once on the Merchant's table at the end of this section. This merchant is present for 7 days, after which they depart and new randomly-rolled merchant arrives, continuing this pattern every 7 days.

Docks, Water

AKA: null

Units: 2 expansion units

Cost: 2000 gp

Time: 30 days

Benefit: A number of ships equal to your structure's total expansion points may dock safely at this expansion. Roll once on the Merchant's table at the end of this section. This merchant is present for 7 days, after which they depart and new randomly-rolled merchant arrives, continuing this pattern every 7 days.

Escape Tunnel

AKA: Escape Portal

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 300 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: A secret tunnel runs from a point in your structure you choose to another point outside within a mile, also of your choosing. This expansion automatically benefits from the Hidden improvement.


AKA: Greenhouse, Druidic Grove

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Contains an assortment of herbs and grown vegetables. Each 7 days, the garden provides enough ingredients to make four potions off the following list:

  • alchemist's fire

  • elixir of health

  • oil of etherealness

  • oil of slipperiness

  • philter of love

  • potion of animal friendship

  • potion of climbing

  • potion of diminution

  • potion of fire breath

  • potion of hill giant strength

  • potion of greater healing

  • potion of growth

  • potion of resistance (random)

  • potion of water breathing

After the herbs have been picked, each potion must be successfully brewed with a DC 15 alchemist supplies check. A failure destroys the gathered herbs used to brew that particular potion until they regrow after another 7 days.


AKA: Crypt, Mausoleum, Necromancer's Laboratory

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all necromancy spells as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. If a necromancy spell requires a corpse to function, that requirement is automatically filled within this expansion. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here that deal with necromancy or the dead have advantage.


AKA: Prison, Torture Chamber, Sacrifice Pit

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 1500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: You have cells available to securely hold a number of humanoids up to five times your structure's total expansion units. These structures are equipped for non-magical humanoids, and will not thwart magical attempts at escape unless the appropriate wards under the Warded improvement are purchased for this expansion.


AKA: Archives, Museum

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 2500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: When you spend downtime to perform an Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History), Intelligence (Nature), or Intelligence (Religion) check to find specific knowledge within this expansion, you gain advantage on the roll. Even if you do not (or cannot) succeed, you can typically uncover a hint as to where this information could be found.


AKA: Guest Rooms, Spare Cots

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 1500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: This expansion may hold or house an additional 50 non-military staff or persons in any combination or private rooms or communal beds. This expansion may be built multiple times.

Market Stalls

AKA: Shops

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Choose three merchants from the Merchants table at the end of this section. These merchants are in permanent residence at your structure, though the quality of their goods changes every 7 days. This structure can be built multiple times.


AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 2000 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Provides your structure with a roughly circular moat around it, 200 feet wide and 10 feet deep, the inner side of which is within 40 feet of the edge of the structure's physical building. Creatures not large enough touch bottom in this moat must swim through it, while creatures large enough to walk on the bottom while remaining somewhat above the water treat the moat as difficult terrain. The moat also has a drawbridge, 20 feet wide and long enough to span the moat, that can be lowered from a gate inside your structure.

Poisoner's Grotto

AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 600 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Every 7 days, this expansion provides enough ingredients to make two items off the following list:

  • acid

  • antitoxin

  • assassin's blood

  • burnt othur fumes

  • fumes

  • drow poison

  • essence of ether

  • malice

  • oil of taggit

  • pale tincture

  • potion of poison

  • torpor

  • truth serum

After the herbs have been picked, each poison must be successfully brewed with a DC 15 alchemist supplies check. A failure destroys the gathered herbs used to brew that particular item until they regrow the following week.

Ritual Circle

AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Spells may be cast in ritual in half the usual time here without expending any components that do not have an associated cost in gold. If a ritual has components with a gold cost, this cost is halved when the ritual is performed in this expansion. While here, the owners of this structure and their allies have advantage on all rolls required by rituals.


AKA: Forge

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: For two days worth of effort and half its listed price, any item on the Armor or Weapons tables in the PHB (PHB 145 and 149) may be made here by a properly skilled hireling or character, after completing a DC 10 smith's tools check. At your DM's discretion, certain items off the Adventuring Gear (PHB 150) and Tools (PHB 154) tables may also be created here in a similar fashion. If a hireling skilled with smith's tools is assigned to this expansion, they count as a Tools, Weapons, or Medium and Heavy armor merchant (your choice) that is always present here. The quality of this merchant's wares changes every 7 days.

Siege Workshops

AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 2500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: A team of at least 10 properly-skilled hirelings can build siege equipment here. The workshop may build one of the following options at any one time:

  • Ballista (7 DT, 1000 gp)

  • Cannon (7 DT, 1500 gp, knowledge of gunpowder required)

  • Cauldron, suspended (7 DT, 1000 gp)

  • Mangonel (15 DT, 3000 gp)

  • Ram (7 DT, 1000 gp)

  • Siege Tower (30 DT, 5000 gp)

  • Trebuchet (30 DT, 5000 gp)

Your structure may only physically house a number of siege weapons equal to its total expansion units at any one time.


AKA: null

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 300 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Your structure gains the ability to house and support horses or other animals trained to be used as mounts, and can hold four of these creatures for each of your structure's maximum expansion units. Mounts that receive a long rest within this expansion have their movement speed increased by 10 feet for 24 hours afterward. This stable does not come equipped with mounts, and mounts must be acquired by other means.


AKA: Brewery, Inn, Public House

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 500 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Taverns are a gathering place for those dispensing quests and rumors, and a typical trip to this tavern dispenses 1d4-1 of each, every 7 days. Further, the presence of tavern gives the owner of this structure on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks involving those who regularly use the tavern. This is generally expected to be almost all of those who live in the structure, as well as an assortment of those who live nearby. Finally, all drinks in this tavern ordered by the owner of the structure or their allies are free, and the tavern provides private rooms for an additional 20 guests.


AKA: Lecture Hall, Balcony with adjacent courtyard

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 1000 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: When on the stage, the owner and their allies gain advantage on all Charisma rolls. In addition, when someone on-stage makes a Charisma (Persuasion), Charisma (Deception), or Charisma (Performance) check with a result above 15, any of their allies present gain a point of Inspiration. This latter benefit can only occur once daily.

War Room

AKA: Bureaucrat's Office

Units: 1 expansion units

Cost: 200 gp

Time: 15 days

Benefit: Journeys planned in the war room and then undertaken by the owners of this structure and their allies always take 1/4 less travel time (round down) than they otherwise would. In addition, when a structure that contains a war room is under attack, all creatures fighting in the structure's defense add 1d4 to their attack rolls to hit.