Homebrew Classes



The Marshal Class is by default a class with similar (if not identical flavor) to the Witcher. Remember though, that it isn't the Witcher. Its an equivalent that like any other class, can be made to be unique. A monstrous race could become a Marshal to get vengeance, a bratty kid could have been sold into the marshal life, and found it to be just his thing. A Marshal gets their magic from their drive and intuition. In general, a Marshal is a great choice for the class of a character that slays or hunts monsters and similar ilk.

However, consider the role of a dedicated monster slaying caste in Theros. Such a person employed as a Marshal may have been recruited by a God of Theros, or inducted into the ranks of an elite fighting force to conquer monsters, using Rune Magic as a sort of divine or supernatural boon in of itself. (In the constant pursuit of perfection, Marshal is currently "playtest" material and is subject to changes. if you have any recommendations feel free to let TDM know.)



Path of the Artillerist

The Artillerist meanwhile prefers to take their immense strength and decimate their foes from afar with powerful longbow shots! (basically a class around the greatbow mechanic in Darksouls)

Path of the Doom Bringer (playtesting)

When a Barbarian picks up a tree to swat people into red mist, that's a Doom Bringer. When a Barbarian decides to take the storm giant’s axe and shove it down a terrasque’s throat, that's a Doom Bringer. When a Barbarian decides to dunk the entire planet onto the head of an invading eldritch horror, that is a Doom Bringer.

A Doom Bringer Barbarian has managed to focus all of their strength into their upper body, allowing them to perform fucking amazing feats with weapons larger then some houses to great effect. Similar to the Giant Slayers of fighter renown, the Doom Bringer Barbarians take a more casual approach to armor and a slightly worse attitude when it comes to things that aren’t dead yet.


College of Omission

Bards of the College of Omission are experts at changing history to suit the narrative they desire through song and spheals. As a bard, they serve as one of the main sources of world information, and the College of Omission capitalizes on such a feat in order to suite their goals. In combat, their magical capabilities allow them to practically rewrite events for the spur of the moment as they deem fit.

College of Improvisation

Bards that follow the college of Improvisation are bards that have grown fond of debate and conjecture, using their accrued magic to assist them in this endeavor by speaking fast and long enough to rend the very weave of magic itself into unexpected shapes. Speaking quickly and without regard for composition however can lead to unpredictable sentences and phrases which can be downright dangerous when your words themselves are magical.

College of Omen

Some have a special ability to lose themselves in songs and music, performing their ballads as if they were one with the music. Allowing themselves to connect their song to the very threads of fate itself. Perhaps this is a result of a divine gift, or a practiced skill from intense study, or merely natural talent. The bards of the College of Omen are varied, but all share one thing, their songs can discern and influence fate in all of its intrinsic glory. They tell the stories as they unfold, and change events as they seem fit.


Love Domain

The gods and Goddesses of Love β€” including Aphrodite, eros, Frigga, Hathor, Dibella, Hera, Parvati, And Ishtar β€” Represent and facilitate companionship amongst the mortals of the material plane. Some of the deities that contain the love domain use their power to forcefully connect mortals in passion, while others yet give support to familial bonds or help warriors maintain camaraderie even in the heat of battle. For Some disciples of love, Love should be pursued for the sake of love, while yet others believe that like a fire, passion should be tempered and controlled. Followers of these gods often strive to facilitate love in others, while punishing those that seek to be devoid of love or are too prideful for their own good.

(This is TDMs version, not the UA or whatever.)

Fate Domain

While many claim to follow or deny destiny, you know for a fact that there are strings attached to every life that you can ever possibly perceive. There is something beyond gods, beyond the great old ones, beyond demons and angels, and beyond mortals. There is something that can dictate the end or beginning of Gods, the birth of heroes and the fall of empires. You have come to worship the fates, whatever form they may take, and trust in them completely, acting in a way that would let their will be noticed by those around you. The Ideal follower of the Fates is one that loses themselves in the flow of causality, allows themselves to be the instigator and recipient of whatever destiny has in store for them. For if the fates wills it, then it will occur, with or without mortal plans.

In Theros, Fate is a large part of life, you may worship Klothys, or even Kruphix. Sometimes this worship is estranged at best.


Cataphract (playtesting)

The armour a warrior wears is the armour a warrior lives and dies by, the battlefield is a forge that strengthens the strong and disposes of weak slag. The Cataphract is a fighter that has realized the value of an armored immovable bulwark, a juggernaut nigh unkillable, that uses their armour to entice doomed blows and exploit weaknesses in their opponent. The Cataphract is a fighter in the same way that a fortress is a building, they are strong and immovable bastions for waves of doomed opponents to crash against.

-Replaces the Barbarian version of the subclass

Knight of Fortitude

A fighter subclass that focuses on surviving. A fortitude Knight could be a character that had endured countless hardships in life, or one that simply ignores pain.

Field Medic

For some, the battlefield is a tragedy of violence and peril, with pointless death exacerbated by horrendous pain. For this Reason, Field Medics are often among the most selfless and respected members of soldiery, braving great peril and danger to tend to their charges or to evacuate them to safety. Tireless and undaunted in the pursuit of their duties, these healers operate with great skill under the duress and chaos of battlefield conditions.

Martial Combatant

Some fighters have acknowledged that their body is as much a weapon as their tools of steel and iron, and they harness it to great effect. Using flurries of kicks, punches, jabs, alongside slashes and stabs. To be a martial combatant is to be wise in the way of combat beyond steel. If Monks are the philosophers of combat, Martial Combatants are the simple tradesmen.

Giant Slayer

The fighting style of the Giant Slayer originates from the Goliath race, whose quarrels with giants lead them to adopt the techniques of using the giant’s own weapons against them. Taking advantage of oversized weapons against oversized targets. This has allowed the Giant Slayers to battle with the mighty beasts on equal terms.

Notes: Variant rule allowed and Giant Slayer is not locked to Goliath in Theros, and can be used by any race!

Warrior of Ruin (Playtesting)

To live by the blade is to die by the blade. This is the mantra of the Warriors of Ruin, whose members carve paths of desolation in their wake. Warriors of Ruin embrace their ultimate fate, but not before they force the same fate upon their enemies. In the pursuit of supreme power, Warriors of Ruin sacrifice their very humanity to supernatural beings in exchange for overwhelming martial power.


Feral Ranger

Feral Rangers are true creations of nature, free from many of the expectations and influences of society and civilization. Often, Feral Rangers are alone, forced to live in isolation within the wilds of the world. If anything was to guide them, it would be the beasts of nature themselves. Whether by guidance or imitation, Feral Rangers have learned the secrets of beasts, and in doing so have gleaned secrets and ancient magics often forgotten by society.


Lolth's Chosen

You have found yourself studying a lost form of spider mimicry developed by a secret society of roguish cultists who worshiped a Spider deity eons ago. This mimicry allows you to gain the versatility and lethality of a spider through sheer imitation rather than any true magical abilities. With style and grace you will learn how to scale sheer cliffs and even ceilings along with using strange substances as webbing. You are on the path to being able to hide and strike from any direction.

You can flavor this kind of rogue as maybe following Arasta of the Endless webs or otherwise affiliated.

Cosmic Marauder

You are skilled at taking advantage of not just the material plane, but all the planes. Your power perhaps is derived from ancestry involving the Planes, or perhaps long exposure to them has turned your lifestyle into that of a Planar privateer; traveling the Astral Sea in search of your next victim. Regardless of your origin, you are skilled at everything to do with the Planes, and most importantly you know how to exploit them.

In Theros, you can flavor a Cosmic Marauder as a rogue with ties to phenax, a trickster with a specialty in breaking the rules of the plane.


Keeper is a slang term for a person that protects high interest individuals, such as nobility, generals, or even knowledgable or useful people. A Keeper is usually trained much like the people who would attempt to eliminate or harm their charges, although their training is usually on the more defensive and preventative side. In the end, a keeper is a devoted individual to a cause or person, usually willing to give their life for the mission.


Spirit Beast

The creation of one that is attuned to a Spirit Beast is unknown, perhaps it is the result of being born with a proximity to the afterlife, or perhaps the wilds. For some, they suspect it to be a divine boon, while others, a curse or hex. Some even believe it to be the result of experimentation...

Eternal Warden

You are a being gifted with innate arcane energy that can be channeled to create powerful weapons. Those who find themselves with this power are often ones destined to protect their world eternally until death, though this may be either a curse or blessing. This power is often hereditary, with lineages of Eternal Wardens protecting the material plane and passing down their skills and powers. Others may be gifted their sorcerous powers by an Eternal Warden who made them their heir, while yet still some may have been cursed to be hunted down by those who seek to hurt their world.

Astral Spark

You are a being that has the spark of the Astral sea embedded in your soul. Your ties to the realm are as solid and unshakable as the laws of physics. Your very existence is likely caused by the supernatural alignment of the stars, a full moon, or a prophesied astronomical date.

As such, your world view would likely be bigger and more reserved, often considering a larger picture of life and the plane then most.


The Colossus

Many warlock patrons seek to destroy or change the world. The Colossus, however, is a being who desires only one thing: to protect. Most Colossi who give their immense power to a mortal are no longer operational, their earth-shaking footsteps no longer resound throughout the land. As such, they remain dormant and unmoving, becoming mere landmarks over time.

Yet, a flicker of unyielding resolve remains. No matter how small, the fuel that once made them walk has immense power. It may be a massive heart of flame, the blood of the gods, or something else entirely. However the Colossus granted you their power, from then on you became a walking bastion, protecting the weak and defending those who aid you.


School of Wicker

A true backpack gnome, the School of wicker is one of the more support heavy of the wizards, and focuses primarily on forming magical bonds between your allies, often buffing them in the process.