
Downtime is a variant rule of D&D fifth edition that acts as a sort of currency for side activities. Periods of downtime can vary in duration, but each downtime activity requires a certain number of days to complete before you gain any benefit, and at least 8 hours of each day must be spent on the downtime activity for the day to count.

Basic Guidelines

  • To track downtime, you can create a custom item called "Downtime Days" and change its quantity as needed.

  • Downtime is unique to your character and is not carried over to future characters.

  • Downtime is non-refundable.

  • You cannot spend downtime during an adventure or Quest without express game master permission.

  • You should work with a game master to roleplay your downtime.

  • New characters begin with 150 days of downtime.

  • Spells and inspiration cannot be used to alter downtime rolls or results.

  • Wizards should spend the appropriate downtime when scribing spells into their spellbook.

Gaining Downtime

Earning downtime, or DT for short, can be received from the completion of hunts, bounties, and quests. If you feel DT should be rewarded and hasn't, talk to your game master about it. Each activity run by a staff member will grant 1d4 downtime days in addition to any additional downtime granted by the staff member.

Additionally, you may gain additional downtime days equal your level by posting a short role play scene once in a 7 day period. To gain downtime in this way, you must post a minimum of 1 paragraph of role play about your character going about their lives with a mention of a story master for approval. This is also a great way to set up some casual role play scenes to whittle away boredom.

You can also gain Downtime through use in Mee6! Whenever you level up with Mee6 in Waking Myths you gain Downtime Days equal to your mee6 level in this Server for one of your current characters!