

General History

The Bragn Union is an Independent nation built by two Races claiming descent from the god of the forge, the Gnomes and the Dwarves. Originally the Nation was in fact two separate nation states, each ruled separately by the Gnomes or the Dwarves. However, as other nations began to grow in the early centuries, the Dwarves of Linta and and the Gnomes of Carelius, saw what could be gained by joining together. There, in the mountains of Bragn they joined their forces and pledged to create a civilization that their Parent God would be proud of. The Bragn Union, as the nation came to be called, became famous for its impressive metallurgy and crafted work. The Dwarves would mine and smith the materials, and the Gnomes would design and assemble them. Each of the aspects of Purphoros embodied in this one independent state.


The people of Bragn are ruled by their craft, working tirelessly to produce items of quality. A Bragn Citizen's worth is judged by their ability to produce the best items of their trade. In Essence, Bragn is a true Meritocracy, a place where a citizen gains power depending on the quality of their work. The culture of Bragn reflects this, with pressure to always be working and perfecting your specific skill. Families will nearly always pressure or force their children to pick up the family trade, in an effort to keep the skill of a family ever improving and innovating down the bloodline. Massive Clans form from Gnome and Dwarf Families to further support their own skills. Architecture, Iron, Stone, are the same as blood, sweat, and tears. Festivals and pleasantries not associated with producing fine items are not present within Bragn, it is a nation of production.

Even magic in Bragn is considered a Trade, and many Gnomes become artificers or wizards to enhance their trade.

Contest of Skill

The Ruler of Bragn is decided when the previous ruler dies, or after they have held office for 100 years. The way in which it is decided is aligned with the rest of Bragn culture. Each prospective ruler will create an item of their trade to the best of their abilities, and the items will then be tested by the priests of Purphoros for imperfections and examined. Those that pass this test will then find their items thrown into the Bragn Volcano, where they claim the forge of Purphoros sits. The priests then wait for 7 days and 7 nights to recover all the items, at this point, there will only be one item left in pristine condition, blessed by Purphoros himself. The crafter of this item will rule Bragn until the next contest, where he must either retire or prove himself still worthy.


The Races within Bragn are nearly entirely Dwarves and Gnomes, however, within recent years the government has allowed people of all races to obtain citizenship and prove themselves as crafters. This system helps boost competition among Bragn, as previously even the worst gnome or dwarven craftsmen were seen as better then the best of other race's craftsmen through Bragn Institution. Bragn also has an abundance of Slaves, used to do the menial labor. However, these slaves are not a conquered people, but rather indentured servants. people that have made deals with others in exchanged for servitude. As such, they are not treated as harshly as some slaves, and are seen within Bragn the same way people may look at the homeless. The Duergar in this aspect are an ethnicity of Dwarves descended from a few fallen clans that have gambled their lineages away on some ancient deals, causing those of Clan Duergar descent to be forced into slavery to pay off their debts in the worst of the Bragn mines.


Ingrot Coalthane

Ingrot Coalthane is known throughout Bragn as the best craftsman among them. Specifically, Ingrot Coalthane is hailed as the best mortal Smith to ever live. It is said that he is the grandson of Purphoros, that his mother was a daughter sprite to Vulcanus. Whatever the case may be, Ingrot Coalthane has created some of the best arms and armor throughout Celladore, his best work even being blessed by Purphoros himself in his firery forge pits.

Ingrot Coalthane rose to power over Bragn a little over 280 years ago, managing to keep his title during the last two bids against his power. During these times, he has made massive reforms to boost productivity by including and allowing other races allowed citizenship within Bragn; granting them the ability to prove their worth as craftsman alongside gnomes and dwarves.

Settlement: CapitalPopulation: 43,943Government: MeritocracyDemonyms: Bragi, Bragnian, BragnonLeader: Ingrot CoalthaneResources: Trade, Crafts, Minerals, MetalsGeography: Hot, rocky, VolcanicDefenses: Standing Army: ~800Reserves: ~6,000Demographics:Common Races: 66% (Mostly Dwarves)Uncommon Races: 10%Rare Races: 20% (Mostly Gnomes)Monstrous Races: 1%Obscure Races: 1%Inflation Rate: 0%Coin Type: AureusIndentured Servitude: Judicial Max: lifeCivil Max: Life


Bragn is a rather young city, forged from the union of Dwarves and Gnomes seeking to unify. The two races vowed to make the mountains and volcanos of Purphoros their new capital, and set to work building one of the greatest capital cities in the world of Theros. Its engineering and architecture are the best in the world, as each block of stone is meant to be a work of art, with the parts of the city least desirable being thrown out and replaced with better technology and architecture semi annually.

Here in Bragn, the Dwarves and Gnomes pollute the hot air with the smoke from their forges as they tirelessly work on their projects while merchants parade into the city to buy and sell. Very little agriculture or livestock is held within Bragn, so much of it is imported from neighboring states. While Bragn in return exports some of the best items, both magical and nonmagical, to the rest of Theros.


The Great Forges

The Great Forges of Purphoros serve as both a place where craftsmen can not only forge some of their best work on a massive scale, but also as a temple to Purphoros.

The Mines of Purphoros

The Forge of Purphoros

The Golden Markets

The Red Keep