Server House Rules

These rules are intended as general rules the server tries to incorporate. Some staff may rule on these differently, and you should always ask about staff about their house rules before you engage in play. Staff are free to get a page on the site to include their rules, as listed below.


If staff makes a mistake that hurts the players, they should retcon; if the staff makes a mistake that benefits the players, its unfair to retcon it.

If a player makes a mistake that hurts them or other players, it is kept; if they make a mistake that benefits them it will be retconned.

We try to go with RAW Rulings here, but just because you do not like a GM's Ruling doesn't mean that it would qualify a retcon. Asking for Athletics rather then Acrobatics to climb for example is a ruling that shouldn't be disputed.

A Player Mistake: Sue is in a dungeon, a trap is triggered that demands a dex save, as a barbarian, she rolled with advantage and succeeded with a 3/15. however, Sue did not ask her DM if the trap could trigger her Spidey sense ability, and when the DM said that it was a trap she could not see, she was forced to go with her first roll.
A Dm Mistake: TDM made an encounter involving aerial bombardment by flying creatures attacking PCs in a canyon. The next Day/session, TDM forgot that his creature near a melee fighter was flying and not in melee range, allowing the fighter to get a melee hit on him. When he realized he fucked up, TDM apologized but allowed the fighter to keep his attacks, and continued as if the beast had landed.

Going Down

When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, The creature gains a point of exhaustion.

Ice and Water in Spells

All Ice and Water conjured by spells is not by RAW considered fresh water, and is up to the discretion of your Game Master.

Metamagic Transmuted Spell

"When you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder."

As a server we ruled that all spells modified with this metamagic will by RAW only have the damage type changed. Any and all secondary effects of the spell are still valid if applied to a player or NPC, and all additional environmental effects (such as changing wall of water to wall of thunder) are up to your Game Master's decision.

Grid Movement

From the DMG page 252, variant rule

The Player's Handbook presents a simple method for counting movement and measuring range on a grid: count every square as 5 feet, even if you're moving diagonally. Though this is fast in play, it breaks the laws of geometry and is inaccurate over long distances. This optional rule provides more realism, but it requires more effort during combat. When measuring range or moving diagonally on a grid, the first diagonal square counts as 5 feet, but the second diagonal square counts as 10 feet.

This pattern of 5 feet and then 10 feet continues whenever you're counting diagonally, even if you move horizontally or vertically between different bits of diagonal movement. For example, a character might move one square diagonally (5 feet), then three squares straight (15 feet), and then another square diagonally (10 feet) for a total movement of 30 feet.

Hitting Cover

From the DMG page 272, variant rule

When a ranged attack misses a target that has cover, you can use this optional rule to determine whether the cover was struck by the attack. First, determine whether the attack roll would have hit the protected target without the cover. If the attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target but high enough to strike the target if there had been no cover, the object used for cover is struck. If a creature is providing cover for the missed creature and the attack roll exceeds the AC of the covering creature, the covering creature is hit.

Long Rest Rules

From the DMG page 263, variant rule

A creature that is naturally sleeping, as opposed to being in a magically or chemically induced sleep, wakes up if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake or slap the creature awake. A sudden loud noiseโ€”such as yelling, thunder, or a ringing bellโ€”also awakens someone that is sleeping naturally. Whispers don't disturb sleep, unless a sleeper's passive Wisdom (Perception) score is 20 or higher and the whispers are within 10 feet of the sleeper. Speech at a normal volume awakens a sleeper if the environment is otherwise silent (no wind, birdsong, crickets, street sounds, or the like) and the sleeper has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher.

Sleeping in Armor Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest. When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn't reduce your exhaustion level.

Going without a Long Rest A long rest is never mandatory, but going without sleep does have its consequences. Whenever you end a 24-hour period without finishing a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. It becomes harder to fight off exhaustion if you stay awake for multiple days. After the first 24 hours, the DC increases by 5 for each consecutive 24-hour period without a long rest. The DC resets to 10 when you finish a long rest.

Death Saving Throws

From XP to Level 3

Rather then the player rolling their death saving throws, a DM or GM overseeing the encounter will roll it either in private (DM screen) or in a PM with the Dicebot, meaning that unless a saving throw is a 20, the fate of the character is unknown.

However, a Player may use their action to perform a medicine check on their turn to stabilize a creature as usual.

Specialized Flanking

From XP to Level 3

We do not allow basic flanking rules.

Instead, we allow a system conceived by XP to level 3 to make it a bit more interesting. If you are on the opposite side of an ally interposed with an enemy that is size Large, or smaller, and wish to either gain advantage on your melee attack rolls for your turn or give advantage on melee attack rolls against that creature to an ally for their turn against that creature, you can ask your Game Master running the encounter if you can use a free action to make a skill check relating to distracting them.

Such distractions could include singing a short song, making an intimidating gesture, or pretending to cast a powerful spell. Your DM might then allow you to make an appropriate skill check contested by the target's AC or a predetermined DC by the DM, if you succeed, you can give or gain advantage.

This is a rule meant to encourage role play and creative thinking, if you do not wish to role play it out, do not ask for it.
