Special Lore

Special Lore is the Category where we record all the instances unique to Waking Myths over its sourcebook Setting; Mythic Odyssey of Theros. This page will detail Locations, Characters, and other Miscellaneous aspects that are usually meant to be part of an adventure or a result of one.





People & Deities

Emperor Dante Strages

Emperor Dante Strages is a Returned that has taken control of a large army of Returned, his strong affluence as a warrior, sorcerer, and as a mage earned him a place among the some order of Paladins. It is unknown what oath Dante Strages took, if any, but it was shortly after his induction where he disappeared in the battle with another neighboring city. it was nearly 4 months until he returned, claiming that he had visited the realm of the undead.

Dante Strages changed after this, he became more violent, and more tolerant of evil beings. At this point, Dante Strages took control of an army of Undead and monsters. It was not long before his army started to spread, engulfing the other cities of Zantium. He was now Emperor, and is continuing to wage wars of conquest against the entirety of Theros.




Dragonborn in Theros were born from the ancestry dragons altered by Pharika giving them what we typically see now being of different colors and with different breath weapons. All Dragonborn come from the Red and Blue even though they have different colors and scales. That said, the purity of the mixed blood of dragonborns shows in a variety of ways.

  • Tailed Dragonborns. The most pure of their species, closest relative to their draconian ancestor.

  • Conventional Dragonborns. The standard purity of dragonborns

  • Human-like Dragonborns. Some Dragonborns will resemble humans or draconic sorcerers more then a dragon after generations of diluting.