Gladiatorial Combat

Getting Started

For adventurers eager to broadcast their conquests to the world, there are options to do so. Arena fighting is a longstanding tradition for many countries and locations. However not all locations have the same rules and regulations, and even legality. Gladiatorial combat is entertainment for the masses, but however bloody it is usually not a lethal sport. Accidents may happen but its generally frowned upon for death to occur in a Colosseum between two warriors unless one performed poorly.

Gladiatorial Combat is a way for players to earn Experience in combat and some gold while also being thrust and idolized in the public eye. These Encounters follow the same rules as normal encounters. But have variation to encourage different methods of play. The Colosseum is also a place where you can exercise PVP combat without it being against the law.

In Universe, Gladiators have a few distinct Laws to follow.

  • You Cannot loot or mar the body of your opponent after death has been dealt, be they man or beast.
  • If an enemy surrenders in the fight, their life is placed in the hands of the Adjudicator, not their opponent.
  • You cannot attempt to deceitfully surrender.


If you wish to engage in Gladiatorial combat across Theros, you'll want to acquire the ability to do so by completing a Downtime Activity. You'll want to spend 15 days and 15 gold to get your character examined by a Gladiator Trainer to ensure they're fit enough to fight. At that point you will get the Gladiator Role and may enlist in any open matches.

If your character has the Gladiator background, you can instead request the Role during or after character creation by submitting the same downtime activity without spending gold or Downtime

Gladiatorial Fights

Fighting as a Gladiator works differently. Rather than mentioning a Game Master, you simply submit a query following the format below in the Gladiator Query Channel. This query represents your character advertising themselves as a Gladiator in an attempt to schedule a fight. More likely than not, your query will not be the only one that is scheduled for the same fight. As a game master or Combat master is the one that sets up a Colosseum fight, they can pull multiple player queries and place them as either allies or opponents. Please note, that when you submit a query, you are agreeing to the possibility of Player versus Player combat.


**Player Character:**

**Character Level:**

**Character Class:**

**Character Race:**

**Character Boons & Piety**

**Character “Stage” Name:** (optional)

**Arena Renown:**

**Pit Fighting or Colosseum Preference:**

Match Fights

  • Once A Game Master reviews player Queries and determines an encounter, he then mentions the players and schedules a fight; Players won’t know if they are teaming up or fighting against each other until later. Then, when the fight begins, The Game Master announces the players by their stage name, and their role in the combat, now the players know who’s team they are on.

  • Now, combat ensues. role play is vital to a Gladiator, as it determines crowd favor and makes you more appealing to the adjudicator. Making your actions seem exciting is the reason Gladiators exists. Combat is Lethal, there is no safety nets. When fighting a non sentient monster, your only chance at getting out alive is if the monster is dead. However, You can surrender to sentient opponents. Surrendering works in a unique way, as there are two people who you would be at the mercy of, both your opponent, and the Adjudicator


  • Eventually the fight is concluded, The surviving players can each roll a performance check at the end of their fight, whereupon they earn gold equivalent to (total CR + Performance Role) . You may be given Advantage on your performance role or a flat bonus depending on RP.

  • Winning Players are awarded the experience for defeating their opponent, Renown as a Gladiator, and an additional gold reward determined by the GM.


The Arena is a harsh place, and it thrives off of death according to most accounts. However, not every bout ends in a corpse. During the arena, a humanoid sentient creature can surrender by laying down their weapons and raising their hands in the air. At this stage, they are at the mercy of their opponents and the Adjudicator. A Gladiator can forfeit their winnings or even be barred from being a Gladiator from either killing their opponent before the Adjudicator makes a judgement, or disregarding the judgement of the adjudicator. A Gladiator can only surrender on their turn as an action.

When a Gladiator surrenders, it's likely that combat is still going on. In which case the Adjudicator takes the 20th initiative spot. On his turn, The Adjudicator, Controlled by the Game Master running the fight, will make a judgement based on the roleplay of the gladiator at hand and the crowd’s reaction to determine if the gladiator is worth keeping alive. When he makes his decision, he initiates “Pollice verso”, and indicates with a Thumbs down if the surrendered Gladiator is to be killed by his opponent (more accurately the fight resumes), Or a Thumbs up if the Surrendered Gladiator is to be spared.

The Adjudicator is a randomized Colosseum official, a Referee of sorts, that judges if the fight was done by the rules and initiates Pollice Verso on surrendered Gladiators.

Gladiator Traits

Every time you win a Gladiatorial match, you earn one Gladiator Renown. Much like Piety, your character can unlock certain benefits at Renown 3, 10, 25, and 50. Be sure to record this appropriately as if it was a currency.


Renown 3

You gain an additional +1 bonus to your end of match performance check.


Renown 10

You gain the ability to fix an Adjudicator’s ruling. For 10 x Character Level gold spent before the fight, the Adjudicator’s ruling of a surrendered combatant will be in your favor. You will be spared if you surrender, and you will be able to decide if your opponent should be killed or not if they surrender.


Renown 25

Your Underdog trait performance bonus increases by 1, and can be applied to all of your performance checks.

Self Dictating

Renown 50

for 100 gold spent before the fight, you can influence your fight by switching members between any teams, or exchanging a Beast opponent for a humanoid one (or vice versa). You also gain advantage on the end of match performance check.