Magic Items

Researching a Magic Item

You can spend your downtime days to search for seller of a specific magic item from the approved source books or home brew. Your character spends gold and days proportional to the rarity of the item in order to find a seller of the item. You can spend the downtime and gold required in installments over time, rather than in a single application. This is not the only way to acquire a magic item, certain shops in different locations will occasionally offer magic items for similar prices, but this is the best way to find one you specifically want.

Once you have finished paying for the research, make an Intelligence (Investigation) or a Charisma (Persuasion) check. The DC for this check is shown on the table below.

  • If you meet or surpass the DC, you learn the location of your desired item.
  • If you fail the check by 3 or less, you were not able to discern any plausible location for the item. Instead, you learn the whereabouts of another item of a similar rarity, though the item itself will be randomized by the game master overseeing your downtime submission. They will pick 5 items of the same rarity, including the item you rolled, and randomly pick one of the selected items using a generator or dice. You will not be informed of the result (This does not apply to Common items, where a 3 or less is considered a failure).
  • If you failed the check by 4 or more, you are unable to find any item locations and your downtime is wasted.

Once an item has been finalized, You will be able to purchase the item for a gold cost equal to the average result of the roll as if you were selling an item of equal rarity as part of the downtime. (for example, an uncommon item would be 325 gold, a rare item would be 1600 gold, etc.)

You can give yourself advantage on the check by spending double the downtime, at no extra gold cost. Downtime spent for this effect must be spent in the same submission.

Item Discovery

You can use this activity to find things like forgotten technology or other such homebrew items. A running list of options will be kept in the homebrew section of this website as these items begin to appear in quests, adventures, and lore. Until these things are discovered in this way, they cannot be found by this activity without express GM permission.

Once a nonmagical artifact is added to the list, it will be given a rarity that corresponds with its value compared to magic items. You can then use the Magic Item Research activity to discover the whereabouts of the artifact, instead rolling Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Investigation) to find it.

Items found in this way can be sold as magic items.

Selling Magic Items

On occasion, a player may wish to sell their magic item for a reasonable price. Selling such an item is harder than it may seem, as such items are usually not needed or affordable for most people in the world. While players can sell or trade their item as they wish to each other, getting the word out to the non-adventurous communities is more difficult. As such, your character must spend downtime proportional to the item’s rarity in order to sell it. If you are selling more than one item, you must pay separate downtime for both of them. You may spend the necessary downtime in installments rather than a single submission.

Common magic items can be sold for a flat price of 75 gp to a merchant. For this, you needn't spend downtime, but should still fill out a downtime form.

Selling a consumable item in this way yields half the normal compensation, granted the item does not have a permanent effect (such as a legendary tome or something of that caliber).

Prices can be negotiated with proper RP, but not to any degree greater than 10%. This is required to be overseen by a game master who will issue the discount as they see fit. This can also lower the gold yield if the situation calls for it.