Owning a Stronghold

Once you own a stronghold, please follow the following rules:

  • You must fill out the form listed below. When you transfer ownership of the stronghold or modify it, you should update or repost the form as required.
  • All strongholds receive one semi-private channel.
  • An updated blurb about your stronghold should be kept in the channel description of your stronghold and in the appropriate info channel for that area of Morgath.
  • Nothing within the stronghold can be stolen or vandalized without owner consent or written permission from three or more game masters.

The Stronghold Form

**Stronghold Type:**

**Expansion units:** (If building, put the building’s list of expansion units and the empty slots for any other units. The Enchantment unit is not allowed, any building that starts with it may have another of your choice.)

**Stronghold Location:** (Either a server category, and optionally a mark a specific point on the blank world map of Theros.)

**Stronghold Name:**

**Stronghold Layout:** (if Applicable)

**Stronghold Channel:** (will be #stronghold-channel)

**Stronghold information:** (general information)

**Stronghold Access:** (how to enter your stronghold)

**Associated Guilds & Orgs:**

**Stronghold Blurb:** (See #x-info in the various categories for examples on what a blurb is. basically a bit of description visually and thematically about your stronghold)

**Stronghold Legality:** (was it legitimately funded? Used for legitimate things?)

**Stronghold notes:**