Waking Myths

Waking Myths-[Theros D&D 5e] is a Dungeons and Dragons Play-By-Post campaign set in the D&D world: Theros. From the Sourcebook by Wizards of The Coast; The Mythic Odyssey of Theros. any lore relating to Theros in its unaltered state is contained within the sourcebook and not in the website for legal reasons. If you do not have the sourcebook, please ask a DM for information or ask for someone to share. Any lore changes made will be listed on the website when they are made, within an appropriate tag. Homebrew material may be modified to fit Theros in lore.

General Rules

This server is generally PG-16 in nature, however, nudity, sexual themes, horror, and violence may be conveyed in role play scenes as a result of the nature of a diverse and wild world. If you are not okay with that, you may wish to leave.
  • Courtesy comes first. If disagreements arise, it is often best to keep it to private messages.

  • Spamming, trolling, and other unsavory behaviors will not be tolerated. Nazi, racial supremacist, or pro-genocide imagery and sympathy will not be tolerated.

  • Do not ask for custom rules. Additionally, if you would like a staff position, fill out the appropriate forms according to our rules.

  • Do not overuse staff pings. If the situation is especially dire, feel free to PM staff. If there is a raid or griefing attack on the server, it is appropriate to do anything in your power to get staff attention.

  • Keep drama to a minimum. This rule is not a suggestion.

  • Refrain from initiating or contributing to conversations about real life politics, modern religious beliefs, or any other controversial subject matter. Topics threatening suicide or even joking about threatening suicide are very serious and will be dealt with as such. Unwarranted comments about mental health disorders will also be treated under the same effect.

  • Do not post illegal or pirated content, for obvious reasons.

  • If someone is found breaking the rules, take it quietly to staff to be handled rather than making a big fuss an potentially allowing the offender to erase their trail.

  • Do not have an alternate account on the server, unless you thoroughly inform staff of its presence. Alt accounts should use the same character, roles, and other player specific details as its main account counterpart.

  • Do not advertise or send invites to foreign servers. We have a partnership program that you can apply for.

  • Do not overuse cursing, mature themes, or NSFW words in chat. They are allowed but should not ever be excessive or make people uncomfortable. Roleplaying a sailor does not give you a free pass on this.

  • All NSFW images or erotic roleplay is confined to the designated channels for it. For the NSFW role, please PM a staff member or ping us. Failure to comply with this will result in severe consequences. Additionally, underaged persons found to lie about their age in order to gain access to NSFW content will be severely punished in accordance to Discord Terms of Service.

  • Please refrain from commenting or interrupting another player while they are working with a staff member.

If you have Questions on what kind of Punishments you may incur by breaking a rule, or wish to see a more in depth look at general rules, see the Punishment and consequences tab at the bottom of this page.

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Gameplay Rules

  • Each player may only have one character at a time. Death or retirement means making a new character, and you can never go back to the previous one. (Citizens may have a second character per the rules in Character Creation)

  • Players should only participate in one active combat or adventure at a time, unless given express permission from the game master overseeing it. Players can roleplay outside of adventures as they wish, but should try to limit the number of places they are roleplaying to one at any given time.

  • Game master rulings are considered law. While you can remind them of things, they are the ones with the final say in the end, and if you feel this is unfair, then you should speak with that game master or staff in private messages.

  • Players may use roleplay to try and create quest hooks, but it should always be overseen by a game master. Only game masters and trial game masters are free to initiate combat in any scenario.

  • Player versus player combat is required to be overseen by a game master. Usually, both parties must consent to fight, however some acts of hostility or unfairness may be ruled as instigation and forego consent. Attempting to attack someone, threatening them, revealing personal information about their character, impersonating someone, or forcing them to make saves or checks are all considered classic examples of instigation. All player versus player combat is deemed potentially deadly, and the victor has reign to do as they please with the loser's remains.

  • A player may not go on any combat activity with another player more then three levels above or below them without expressed permission from the GM running the activity

Formatting Rules

While technically we do not require absolute adherence to these following guidelines, we highly suggest it as a courtesy to other players and game masters.

  • Actions should be in italics, using *the following format.*

  • Dialogue should be included in quotations, using "the following format."

  • Alternate languages should be noted with some marking of what language they are, often in simple bold as in **the following format.**

  • Some players rather alternate languages to be tagged as spoilers in bars, as in ||the following format||.

  • Include first-person thoughts in slashes, such as //the following format.//

  • Out of character comments must be in brackets, like [the following format.]

Player formatting, when done right, might appear as:

Kane heaves his mighty saber behind his head as he charges. He uses his free hand to hurdle the fallen corpse of an ogre before leaping from it, performing a zealous spin as he cracks down his blade upon the worg with sickening force. With it reeling from the force of it, he kicks it over with his foot and pins it there.

In Giant: "Fools that prey on the innocent are too low for my mercies."

Game masters have a general format they follow, though they are not bound to any set format by rules.

  • Actions and scene roleplay is in bold italics.

  • NPC dialogue is included in block code.

  • Specific mechanical information may be presented in inline code.

NSFW Section Rules

  • All users must be of legal age according to Discord TOS. To get the NSFW role, please message staff.

  • Participants in NSFW chats must be consenting. If you are found coercing or pressuring players into giving consent (Even through DMs), you will be punished. Don't make us post you on r/creepypms

  • Avoid certain topics and kinks that may be illegal, immoral, or upsetting to those around you. Examples of this include rape, violence/gore, scat, waterworks, etc. Shotacon and lolicon (and their Furry equivalent) are not to be posted at any time, in accordance to Discord TOS.

  • If you break these rules, you actually put our server at risk of being deleted. Please use your head.

Punishments & Consequences

As Staff, we come across many belligerent, dickish, brutish and whiny people. It is important to judge someone fairly between being an Asshole, or breaking the rules. See Server Rules for Rules. Keep in mind that we do not tend to kick people, we tend to ban them. But also keep in mind that Bans are usually temporary in all but the most extreme of circumstances, and usually act as a sort of time out.

When we find someone who needs disciplining, it is important to tell what kind of activity they are doing.

Blue Alert:

A person doing a Blue Activity is someone who is doing one of the following.

  • - Being abrasive to other players in Chat, such as posting politics in general, etc.

  • -Ignoring Guidelines, like character creation. Roleplay, or such.

  • -Trying to get their way by asking multiple GMs or other Authority figures.

  • -Doing things wrongly for some gainful purpose, like rolling multiple characters until they get that 90.

- Spamming or misbehaving on partnered servers.

- Blocking Staff

- Creating an Alt account on the server.

It's important to note that someone doing a blue Activity could be either insidious and spiteful, or really fucking stupid. As Staff, it our job to fairly decide which of these it is, and it could very well be both. Blue Activities generally don’t warrant kicking, demotion, or such thing, instead, be sure to speak to them and warn them about it. If they are being especially disruptive, Muting them from general should keep them quiet. Usually if someone does a blue alert thrice, it becomes a yellow alert.

Yellow Alert:

A person who is involved in a Yellow Situation is someone who is doing one of the following.

  • Cheating via post-approval illicit modification of their sheets, such as adding or switching their spells for a scenario without following RAW or GM instruction.

  • Cheating via illicit raising of their XP or Coin gains and levels.

  • Attempt to circumvent Rules through illicit means.

  • Murderhoboing.

  • Promoting un-partnered servers.

  • Trolling or being excessively argumentative in Chats.

  • Harassing (sexually or not) other Members in DMs or on the server.

Those responsible for a Yellow alert must still be judged fairly, but are usually disciplined quite severely in comparison to their Blue Alert peers. Those who perpetrate a yellow situation are usually the ones who are definitely trying to break the rules or be a nuisance on purpose for some nefarious means, or are just extremely toxic and creepy people. If it is an issue relating to their Character, usually a nerf to square one or a removal of the character will suffice. If its a more personality thing, speak to them about it and be sure to mute them. If it persists, they may be kicked or banned.


Those Responsible for a Red alert are some of the worst. And will usually be banned.

  • Raiding our server

  • Raiding another server

  • Spamming NSFW content in SFW channels.

  • Repeatedly attempting to cheat.

  • Creating Alts to get around Bans.

  • Harassing Members with Death threats or NSFW pictures.

  • Child Pornography, such as sending NSFW materials to minors.

  • Being less than 18 in the NSFW channels, and/or posting selfies.

  • Repeat severe disruptions in chat.

  • Attempting to slander and remove GMs with bribes and libel.

Those who are responsible for a Red alert are usually Banned from Both this server, and partnered servers. When judging if its a Red alert. It's usually obvious. But be careful that it isn’t just an accident.

Newcomers and Roles

We have a variety of roles for staff and players. Most of these roles are self explanatory to an extent, such as "Game Master" but we will nonetheless go over the various roles.

Major Staff Roles

  • Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master is the server owner and is the dictator of all things that go on about in the server. If you have a problem relating to staff actions or abuses of power, you can safely come to him about it.

  • Game Master. People with this role are the heads of activities on the server. They are the people that organize Quests, Adventures, Encounters, and Roleplay. These are people who have the most game master experience and are trusted to run fair and unique games by the Dungeon Master.

  • Administrator. People with this role are the heads of disciplinary actions and server management. These are the trusted members of the head staff that can work with bots, program permissions, and other such busywork.

Minor Staff Roles

These are roles for the staff that are more casual or do not wish to be given more responsibilities. Each of these roles are essentially subservient to the Major Staff of the same category. Major Staff will also have some or none of these roles corresponding with their specialties and interests.

Game Master Roles.

  • Questors. For people interested in running longer Quests or Adventures with a mix of Roleplay and Combat.

  • Combat Masters. For people interested in running short disconnected encounters or bounties.

  • Story Masters. For people interested in running singular RP scenes or quests/adventures without combat.

Administrator Roles

  • Coders. People that understand and can work with discord bots, and other programming nonsense.

  • Moderators. The people who are the first line of defense on infractions, reporting rule breaks to Administrators, and punishing immediate threats, like raids.

  • Sheet Masters. For the people who can approve character sheets according with character creation, in addition to having an eye for balance. These Sheet Masters will also review Homebrew submissions.

Lore Master Roles

  • Lore Master. The Lore Master role is given to the trusted members of the Major Staff that know the setting, and can work to develop new lore with the Game Masters. These are the people that will work with establishing the details of a new God, Homebrew, or other lore change/addition.

Alignment Roles

You will get a role for your alignment such as lawful-Neutral, or Chaotic-Good; Depending on your Character's alignment, which should be told to a Sheet Master or GM during character creation. This is so that people can better find players that may align more closely to their own character's ideology and so that GMs can quickly determine the kind of encounters, both RP and Combat, that a person may find interesting.

Server Roles

  • NPCs. Role for Discord Bots.

  • Looking For Adventure. The role that people can get by inputting the bot command of !LFA, or otherwise asking for it. This role is a role that DMs and Players will ping when looking for a party for an activity, such as a Quest, Adventure, or Hunt.

  • Looking For Roleplay. The Role that people can get by inputting the bot command of !LFRP, or otherwise asking for it. This role is a role mentioned by people looking to begin a roleplay scene.

  • Server Partner. For people who have a mutual partnership of advertising between the servers.

  • Spectator. For Newcomers or Players who wish to see ALL the roleplay channels.

  • Venter. For people who wish to have an area where they can vent about the world burning down, how they stubbed their toe, or how they just inherited a million dollars from a Nigerian prince, all they have to do is paypal 1000 dollars to Nazeem for bank fees!

  • Rhapsodes. A person who have contributed their own story or art independent to the server's setting.

  • Citizen. The role for people who have been on the Server for at least 30 days, and have applied for this role. This role allows you to become part of the eligible voters, and propose server changes that your fellows can vote on. Citizens will also get to make a 2nd character provided that they have reached level 6 with a previous character. Citizens also have the ability to run small activities as if they were GMs, detailed further down..

  • Player. The role for basic players of the server. at the current time, we will only be allowing 100 players at any one time, including Staff. there will be sporadic purges of inactive members. Inactive members will be sent a permanent link back to the server when they are kicked, where they can resume their character without pause provided there is an opening.

  • Newcomer. The basic role of people without characters. Newcomers without the Spectator role will be kicked every Sunday by midnight MST time.

Class Roles

These are the roles you will get according to your race and class. if you level up, and get a new class. either ask a GM or go to the Role channel.

Deity Roles

deity roles are the roles specific to the setting of Theros, and relate to the Piety system. Please check out that system for more information.

Group Roles

Group Roles are the roles you will be given when you join or make a guild or party.

Activity Roles

Activity Roles are the roles made by Game Masters and Questors relating to the people who are currently playing one of their games. Such a role might be; TDM group 1.

Location Roles

Location Roles are a set of roles relating to the traveling downtime activity. Everyone initially starts with (blank) role, which allows them to see the starting hub categories. but with traveling you can gain different roles and access to different channels depending on your travel destination. Traveling allows you to access the unique resources, merchants, activities, and RP channels of a different location.


There are many activities that can be performed by players within the server. These Activities are loose categories for the types of adventures your characters can go on. involvement in some activities mean you cannot participate in other activities. so its important to understand what you are signing up for.

You may not participate in more then one of the same kind of activity at the same time. Regardless of the activity, you can always role play with any of your living (or undead) characters!


Quests are the bread and butter of D&D, they are the typical long running campaign that may take a player from level 3 to level 10. Typically these can take months, and may require you to not participate in any activity other then the quest depending on the DM. If the DM does allow you to engage in other activities, they will usually ask you to copy your starting sheet to track the activity separately before joining them at the end of the activity.


Adventures are much shorter then quests, but operate similarly. Consider them the equalivilant of a segment from an adventurers league game, or from something like the book: Saltmarsh.


Typically consisting of 3 or less combat encounters, with a slight emphasis on roleplay and tracking. Bounties are an activity that is posted much like an adventure, but is usually much shorter, and revolves around a singular hunt-like goal, such as killing a manticore terrorizing a farm.


A kind of encounter relating to the Gladiatorial/pit fighting system.


The smallest kind of activity, consisting only of a single encounter. These are the kind of things a DM will post that is meant to be short and sweet. you should not be asking for these solely for leveling like an MMO. That is bad. and the Gods will punish you for it.

Citizen Run Activities

When a player meets the requirements and becomes a Citizen, they are allowed an additional privilege afforded to them. A Citizen can run small hunts and bounties as if they were a part of the staff team, effectively allowing citizens to become mini-DMs. While a Citizen run hunt may not be afforded the same basic creative freedom as most advanced and trusted staff, they can gain rewards for doing so. When you wish to run a hunt or bounty, you may post in the standard #looking-for channel and mention anyone with the @looking for adventure role.


There are a few Guidelines for a prospective Citizen GM, mostly centered around Balancing encounters. Your citizenship role may be revoked if you display improper conduct or do not adhere to the guidelines.

  • No Homebrewed Monsters or effects.

  • You must use the standard server home rules.

  • You must use Avrae to roll out in open, you cannot roll in DMs with avrae or any other private method aside from the citizen exclusive bot channel.

  • You cannot reward players with magic items, only Downtime Days, Experience, and standard currency (no more then 500 gold per encounter). (remember that all Downtime awarded has 1d4+1 Downtime days added to it)

  • A Citizen GM cannot GM for a party that has more then a 2 level difference between its lowest level and highest level players.

  • The encounter's monster CR cannot exceed the "tier" of the party without Game Master approval.

    • Tier 2: Levels 5-10 - Heroes of the Realm.

    • Tier 3: Levels 11-16 - Masters of the Realm.

    • Tier 4: Levels 17-20 - Masters of the World.


When a Citizen runs a hunt or bounty, they gain the same XP and Downtime rewards that a single player in the activity would have gotten. If a 5 man band of players earns a total of 5000 xp / 5 (for the number of Players, excluding the Citizen GM), then every player and the Citizen GM would gain 1000 XP. The max XP a Citizen GM can earn through a single encounter is 2k.

Nitro Server Boost Rewards

If you choose to boost the server you can gain benefits for doing so at the end of each month. These benefits are minor but are a way of showing gratitude to the few people who help give the server those little extra benefits and improvements. On the final day of each month, someone who had boosted the server for that month can notify an administrator or moderator to approve getting one of the bonuses.

Choose one of the following bonuses:

  • Diligent Worker: Extra Downtime Days gained when you level up on mee6 equal to twice your Boosts on this server.

  • Famed: A Discount to your next in game gold purchase equal to 10% x number of Boosts you gave to the server.

  • Inspiring: A Point of inspiration for one of your characters.

Come Login to discord and chat with us without joining! get a feel for our server before you commit!