Karate resources by the Traditional Japanese Karate Network covering

Shito-ryu, Shotokan, Goju & Okinawan Arts


A brief on the Traditional Japanese Karate Network

We are made up of like minded sensei upholding the traditional karate environment. We include a range of styles and we are not one badged organization, but rather a collection of karate dojo ensuring excellence in karate's traditions. The website brings together associated clubs in Japan, Australia and the USA and provides an online traditional karate resource repository. Over the years our online members have exceeded 50,000 and include most countries in the world.

Some 2024 Karate Events:

Nov 22-24:  WKF World Team Championships, Pamplona (Spain).

Oct 9-13th: WKF World Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships, Venice (Italy).

May 18th: Annual Fig Tree Pocket Karate Championship, Australia.  Details & entries...

April 14th: Australian Traditional Karate Championship, Adelaide. Details & entries...

           More details & other karate events...

Article of the Month:  Pinan Kata...

A little of Pinan & Heian kata history & origins:

Pinan Nidan is called Heian Shodan in Shotokan (Pinan is the Okinawan pronunciation and the same word can be pronounced as Heian in Japanese). The kata is one of a family of five Pinan kata created by Itosu Ankoh. Itosu Ankoh was born in 1831 and died in 1915 in Okinawa and was instrumental in the development of karate and he taught the two major propagators of the Pinan kata Mabuni kenwa (Shito-ryu founder) and Funakoshi (Shotokan founder).  Click here for article... 

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This website forms a linking backbone for the "Traditional Japanese Karate Network" and the networking activities began in 1997 and consists of:

Street Fighting Stats, Medical Injuries & Bunkai

Very few karate-ka or instructors have looked at the  medical facts related to 

people’s fighting injuries and why they present at a hospital after street fighting or violent assault. 

 Martial artists can take a lesson from the medical practice acronym “EBP” which stands for evidence-based practice. Medical practitioners use “evidence-based practice” as a practice pathway that involves a doctor analyzing data to establish a path of treatment, or future practice.  

 Practicing the art of self defense should involve training with an understanding of the data related to what violence damages people in the streets. It should not simply follow what martial arts teaches for sports environments based on either “points” or “tap outs” in rule limited systems. 

To ensure one is studying the correct techniques for self defense, we should be looking at what is potentially damaging and combining that with a balance of the probability that such an injury will actually occur. This is opposed to blindly practicing techniques year after year that according to the data rarely cause an injury in a street fight.    

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Video & Text Article: What standard is a Karate Black belt Test - 1st dan to 3rd Dan?

This page shows examples of a number of brown belts testing from different dojos/styles for Shodan (1st degree black belt) via the Traditional Japanese Karate Network. It discusses standards, curricula, expectations and hopefully serves as a reference point for students and sensei. Depicted dojo(s) include the USA, Australia and Japan. Below that is written recommendations around the 3rd Dan (sandan) rank.

click here for full article and video webpage...

 Seipai - 1hr Download video

Content assembled from:

Seienchin - the Book  

This text is not concerned with minor style differences (comments are of course given with regard to different styles & approaches) as one must remember that as little as 100 years ago the modern karate styles did not exist. Therefore, the focus of this text is on a core embusen (pattern) of the kata Seienchin and its applications - which are style universal & is applicable to Goju, Shito-ryu, Kyokushin & Okinawan styles that work this classic karate kata.

The "Traditional Japanese Karate Network" was formerly the website of DownloadKarate.com

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