Shihouzuki kata

the 1st kata typically seen in Shito-ryu karate

Shihouzuki ichiban Kids & Adults.mp4

Shihouzuki Kata

(video includes adult and kids versions/commentary)

Often the first kata taught in Shito-ryu.

"Shihou" means four steps or directions. "Zuki" means punch.

The purpose of training Shihou-Zuki is an introduction to kata and to allow beginners understand the concept of the basic forward stance profile and turning (Mawari Ashi). In a way, it is a little sister kata to juni no kata (also called taikyoku kata) .

Below in text, are the steps and a cartoon representation of the kata. The video of course gives some more detail, but not complete detail. Always be sure to learn kata in the dojo first from your instructor before trying to learn from video or text.

Steps for the upper block (Jodan) version of the kata:

  1. Musubi Dachi “Rei”
  2. Yoi
  3. Hidari Jodan uke (Zenkutsu Dachi) - right foot moves out so as to not open into the oncoming blow.
  4. Oi Zuki (Kihon Dachi)
  5. Mawatte, Migi Jodan uke (Zenkutsu Dachi, moving from right, 180 degrees; feet move in a diagonal straight line to eefct the turn)
  6. Oi Zuki(Moto Dachi or Zenkutsu Dachi)
  7. Hidari Jodan uke (Zenkutsu Dachi, moving from left, 90 degrees)
  8. Oi Zuki(kihon Dachi)
  9. Mawatte, Hidari Jodan uke (Zenkutsu Dachi, moving from left, 180 degrees)
  10. Oi Zuki (Moto Dachi or Zenkutsu Dachi)
  11. Stand up keeping the punching arm extended.
  12. Turning from left keeping the arm extended until facing the front.
  13. Musubi Dachi “Rei”

Miscellaneous Japanese translations:

    • hidari = left
    • migi = right
    • zenkutsudachi = long stance
    • kihondachi = middle length forward stance
    • motodachi = short length forward stance
    • oi zuki = step over punch
    • Jodan = upper section
    • uke =block

Japanese Language for Martial arts:

Video or book introduction