Kids Karate

Stories, Two Katas & History of "The Way"

Strong Minds

Strong Bodies


Self Control



Double Round-house kick - 4 tips for tournament...

Four quick tips on high & low round house kick as it is a difficult but a great tournament kick. It is called a chudan-jodan mawashigeri in Japanese & here "Mia Karate" gives a few tips to make it work.

More videos on our "Karate Kids" YouTube Channel at:

Gym Strength vs Karate Strength?

H_Karate & Mia Karate compare Gym Strength vs Karate Strength to see who can win 3 competitions...

What is a Pink Belt & Belt Rank Colors?

Today, Mia Karate is talking about what a pink belt is & moving through the normal karate belt colors and ranks. Also includes Mia Karate punching as a 1 year old baby.


Japan's Oldest Dojo

Where did karate come from?

Who founded Shito-ryu & Shotokan?

What is "Do" in Karate-D0?

Hugh & Kate Interviewed at Japan's Oldest dojo in Kyoto:

Karate came from a small Island South of Japan called Okinawa. It moved to Japan about 110 years ago.

See Hugh & Kate tell you a little about how the oldest dojo in Japan has a place in that story. We also explore the meaning of "Do" and "Budo".

What is Zen, a Zen Garden & monks have to do with karate? Some kids visit Japan to find out...

We bow in and out when class starts and ends. This is connected to "Do" in karate, a time to sit still and learn to control yourself, as control of yourself and acting with a clear mind is one of the main goals of karate.

In karate we develop our mind through performing kicks and punches but also thinking about things ins "seiza" and doing "mokuso", which is the formal sitting position used in Japan, by Samurai and by Zen monks.

Zen monks use this sort of sitting for hours to discipline the minds and body . In this video see kids visit the most famous Zen garden temple in Japan - Ryoanji.

Weapons - Quick Tips (Kobudo)

Sai Quick Tips lesson 1 - History & Naming

Quick tips for the Sai as it is a good tournament traditional kobudo tool of the martial arts and is often used. To train Sai it is important you know your tool and its the name of its parts.

More quick weapons lessons are apperaing regularly on our "Karate Kids" YouTube Channel so be sure to subscribe there to receive updates as new ones appear:

Sai Quick Tips lesson 2 - Two basic grips for sai

Honte-mochi & Gyakute-mochi

Sai Quick Tips lesson 3 - Switching between Honte-mochi and Gyaku-te mochi

Sai is a good option for tournament kobudo. This is a quick Lesson in "Downward strike". We have a longer article if you click here...

Bo Lesson 1 - bowing to ready - yoi

The Bo is a tradiitonal tool in the martial arts & used in kids tournaments quite a bit. Here we introduce it, give one way to bow to start and get to yoi (ready).

More quick weapons lessons are apperaing regularly on our "Karate Kids" YouTube Channel so be sure to subscribe there to receive updates as new ones appear:

Video taken in Japan with Western kids visiting Uetake sensei (8th Dan who lives and teaches in Himeji Japan).

Bow Out Tips by a Japanese Master to kids visiting Japan

How do I use my hands when bowing in and out?

How straight should I sit?

How should I hold my shoulders?

We bow in and out when class starts and ends. This is connected to "Do" in karate, a time to sit still and learn to control yourself, as control of yourself and acting with a clear mind is one of the main goals of karate (see also the below video on the most famous Zen garden temple).

How do I tie my karate belt?

After 7 years and age we expect kids in the Traditional Japanese Karate Network to be able to tie their belts once they are a yellow belt. This is often part of their belt test for a new rank.

There a a few ways to tie a karate belt, this video shows one way and the triangle type appearance of the final knot is the most important thing, regardless of which way you do it.

Shihouzuki ichiban Kids & Adults.mp4

Shihouzuki Kata

(video includes adult and kids versions/commentary)

This article will be uploaded in the last week of June 2020...

A research article on kids, learning models & karate

This article by Grant Ribbink Senpai, looks into some of the research done on childhood learning, age development & relates some of the models to karate.

In particular its looks at the work of Paiget, the GRR model and gamification and physical abilities at certain ages/levels.

Authored by Grant Ribbink senpai, he has had over 30 years in the martial arts spanning goju, aikido & Shotokan (with the largest portion of his training time being in Stan Schidmt's Shotokan organization in South Africa). This work was done as a "theory component" of Grant senpai's 3rd degreee black belt test and leverages some of his interest in learning from his work at Microsoft.