Street Fighting Statistics & Medical Outcomes linked to Karate & Bunkai Selection

For martial arts and based on emergency department police assault & tournament fight injury data 

2nd Edition Published 2012, ISBN 9781471083969 

A 231 page full color 8.5x11 inch book on emergency department & police assault data from street fights inclduing the common anatomy, physiology & medical outcomes (injuries) of the technqiues thatat frequently occur.

Map your karate curriculum & kata bunkai, training & art to what the statistics show occur in the street.

Book Content assembled from & related to:

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Figure 136 taken from book: Selecting a curriculum & kata bunkai which pulls from the large pool of traditional karate techniques, yet also overlaps with the pool of probable injury causing  street techniques. The above circles represent that overlap zone. For karate-ka, the data & mapping allows an audit of techniques and de-emphasizing of things that do not sit in the probable injury zone e.g. arm-bars in one-on-one standing combat, chokes, cross-check grab (one form of kake-uke), mid-level/high side kick etc. (contrary to some UFC or MMA outcomes & some 

traditional kata bunkai lessons, these techniques do not have high street fight injury rates; as discussed in Sections A, F3.3, F3.4). The text also balances the assumptions of a difference in needs and practicality between ego-based fights, law enforcement/bouncers and truly life threatening violent assault.

Very few fighters/trainers have looked at the medical facts related to people’s fighting injuries and why they present at a hospital after street fighting or violent assault. To ensure one is studying the correct techniques for self defense, we should be looking at what is potentially damaging and combining that with a balance of the probability that such an injury will actually occur. This is opposed to blindly practicing techniques year after year that according to the data rarely cause an injury in a street fight.


Martial artists can take a lesson from the medical practice acronym “EBP” which stands for evidence-based practice. Medical practitioners use “evidence-based practice” as a practice pathway that involves a doctor analyzing data to establish a path of treatment, or future practice. Practicing the art of self defense should involve training with an understanding of the data related to what violence damages people in the streets. It should not simply follow what martial arts teaches for sports environments based on either “points” or “tap outs” in rule limited systems.


Book Contents (213 pages in total)

Section A:    Medically relevant outcomes of Street Fights - the data!  

“Practical martial arts” defined by medically important  injury rates 

A1    What is practical in Martial Arts & Self Defense? Use data!     

A2    The data on Choking and Strangulation Techniques

A3    The need for Break-Fall Techniques?

A4    Statistics on Grappling Techniques

A5    Statistics on Striking versus Grappling Techniques

A6    Group Assault

A7    Sharp & Blunt Objects as Weapons

A8    Martial Arts “Budo” training - “All roads lead to Rome” 

Full contact fighting vs. point fighting vs. & evolution of the 

traditional martial arts 

A9     A brief evolution of martial arts

A10   Karate as a case study on the history of Okinawan forms, sports martial 

          arts & their relationship to self defense

         A11   Jack of all trades and master of none – inner strength in technique

                                        – karate, kung fu, kick boxing, MMA & boxing

        A12    WKF & Shotokan point style systems and their impact on bunkai 

                                        & self defense drills

A13    Combative scenario flow charts for fighting

A14    Sports physiology & modern competitive fighting approaches

A15    WKF & other tournament medical reports

A16    Moving beyond just block counter


Section B:    The Psychology of Violence – attacker and defender considerations

B1   The Psychology of self-defense and attackers 

    Psychological Theory behind Self-Defense= 

B1.1   The Psychology of self-defense and attackers

B1.2   Importance of preparation and training

B1.3   Dispelling some myths about self-defense 

Applied Psychology in Violent Encounters 

B2.1   What makes you a target?

B2.2   What are the situations to avoid?

B2.3   Pre-encounter awareness

B2.4   Recognizing the type of criminal

B2.5     De-escalation, not backing down & knowing when to back down

B3        How to use the eyes in the pre-fight & fight: 

             technique detection & influence opponents

B4      Attitude once an assault has begun – tying ancient budo  

            philosophy to modern psychology

B5     The stress response to extreme danger & how that effects fighting 



Section C:    Commentary on The Law and Self Defense considerations 

C1        Foreword by the primary author, Jason Armstrong

C2        An Overview of law considerations by Adrian Cartland


Section D:    The Medical & Physiology mechanisms of techniques that according to 

                        statistics are  more likely in street fights.


The mechanics of a knock-out – physiology & medical outcomes

D1.2    The difference of not seeing it coming - “The King Hit”

              - the importance of the jaw and neck muscles

D1.3    Rotational force is a key in knockouts

D1.4    The back of the head as a target

D1.5    When the chin is struck directly from the front

D1.6   Knock-out via the temple region

D1.7    Where to strike the jaw and the outcomes

D2    Damaging the jaw bone and jaw joint/hinge

D3    “Ground and pound” – knocking out people on the ground?

D4    Diagnostics to prevent follow-on injury for martial artists after concussion


Striking people in the temple region and other possible skull fractures 

Impact & throw derived whiplash

The nose as a target 

Injuries to the cheek region 

Attacks to the ear

Tooth damage or loss: What to do before arriving at the dentist 

Strikes to the eyes

    D11.1   Eye injury types related to strikes 

D11.2   Detection of incoming attacks & psychological considerations 

Throat & Carotid Strikes

D12.1   Blood choke versus air chokes 

Striking the ribs & stomach region

D13   Ribs and pneumothorax

D13.1   Striking the liver or spleen

D13.2   Striking the solar plexus, why it hurts & why you cannot breathe 

Impacting the Kidney region 

Bladder ruptures & contusions

Hematomas - using thigh or calf kick as an example


Section E:     Medically relevant issues related to long-term martial arts training

                        - but not likely to be related to serious street fight outcomes 

Elbow injuries related to reverse joint locks 

     Punching with snap and elbow lockout

                           - is it the traditional way to do the technique? 

“Ude Tanren” – Bone, arm, hand and leg conditioning 

Damage to the testicles 

Back pain related to martial arts training

                            - linking it to fighting stances, stretches & everyday posture 

Damaging the knee 

Broken fingers and toes 


Herpes Gladatorium 

Staphylococcus Skin infections


Section F:     Mapping a curriculum to address your sport & the street fighting data

                        - a case study with karate compared to modern fighting styles


Considerations in sports & traditional curriculum design to ensure

             a coverage of the medically important techniques 

Example belt test curricula with a data map to the top 7 street injury types

              F1   Relevance to street scenarios while holding to an art’s “tradition”

              F2   Curriculum focus versus diversity – evidence based practice (EBP) 

              F3    A gender based curriculum?

              F4    A note on kicks

              F5    Drills, Bunkai examples & their relevance to the street

              F6    Examples of common kata bunkai trends that are not justified

              F7    Sample curricula focused around the Top 7 most likely techniques

                               - white through to black belt curricula


   Tables & Figures list         


   Contributors Include: 

       Dr. Jonathan Shirley (M.D.), Dr. Matthew gentner (Oral Surgeon) 

      Dr. Jason Amrstron (Ph.D.), Lee-ann Barkhuizen (specialty nurse)        

       Dr. Sarven McLinton (Psychology), Greg & Jaki Scovell (Taekwondo & Karate), 

       Adrian cartland (Lawyer, Karate & MMA)

About the primary author:

In producing this text Dr Jason Armstrong, 7th Dan, has brought together 3 clinical contributors and 3 martial artists. Jason himself has fought in a full contact MMA event in Japan, and has been studying martial arts for 25 years. He has held national titles in both fighting and forms, lived in Japan for a number of years and currently holds a 6th degree black belt in Shito-ryu Karate and a Shihan title.

At the time of authoring the book, Jason worked as the CEO of Medeserv, a medically focused IT company which provided clinicians with ongoing training for practice registration – the company was wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Queensland.

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