The Karate Theory Manual - the white to black belt journey

A textbook covering the white to black belt cultural & rank testing journey

4th Edition, 202 Pages

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The “pen & sword” approach is termed bunbu ryodo in the Japanese martial arts. This textbook is relevant to any karate practitioner making the journey from white belt to black belt and is likely a solid supplement to any black belt's library. The physical and personal developmental journey of karate is typically taught alongside lessons covering its heritage and the theory behind the art. The primary authors have lived and trained in Japan, and from the key author's first days as a colored belt, the karate journey has always involved theory tests alongside the physical for rank advancement. He has known no other way, nor have his students. 

This 200 page textbook has use whether you are a student on the belt progression journey, a black belt hoping to receive a formal "Sensei" title, or an instructor looking for a student belt test theory exam textbook (which is how it is used by the Traditional Japanese Karate Network). 

- clearly outlines dojo culture & its history (includes over 100 historical & data related images).

- testing as it relates to kata history, style shuhari & an evidenced based approach for differing ranks as they progress on their karate journey.

- while this textbook is a resource for the open book theory tests for those rank testing in the Traditional Japanese Karate Network, it provides a resource expected to be memorized for those aiming to be awarded a "Sensei" title within the Network.

Preserve the Pen & Sword approach!

Book Details

  ISBN 9781329587540

  4th Edition, Pages: 202 

  Publisher: Lulu & the TJKN

  Published 2016

  Binding: Paperback

  Interior Ink: B&W

  Dimensions (inches) 8.5x11

Primary Author:

  Dr Jason Armstrong, 7th Dan, Shihan

Supporting authors:

  John Sells, 8th dan, Hanshi

  Dr Greg Story, 6th dan, Shihan

  Dr Sarven McLinton, 3rd dan

  Greg & Jaki Scovell, 4th & 3rd dan

  Dr Michael Doucet, 2nd Dan 

  Kim Opoku-Nti, 2nd dan

  Caitlin Edwards, 1st dan

  Nick Lukich, 4th dan 

Textbook Contents:

Chapter 1: Karate Origins          page 10 

 1.1 The Meaning of the word karate & its kanji 

 1.2 Using your karate strategy & skills in life and work for success      

 1.21 Bunbu ryodo profile of Sensei Greg Story, PhD             

 1.22 “Life and Budo – a bidirectional approach” by Sensei Greg Story          

 1.23 Understand the Traditional Japanese Karate Network‟s & Japanese Symbolism   

 1.3 Karate & Shito-ryu History  

 1.31 General karate history  

 1.32 Why is the Traditional Japanese Karate Network not only the style Shito-ryu? That is, it includes Goju & Shotokan.  

 1.33 “Styles” & why lower ranks (under 3rd Degree black belt) should focus    

 1.34 The Genesis of Shito-ryu & the history of its founder, Mabuni Kenwa  

 1.35 Tani Sensei, Mabuni‟s first student to be awarded his own style  

 1.36 A few technical ryu-ha notes  

   1.36.1 The Shito-ryu Shukokai “Double Hip” in Punching 

   1.36.2 Edge of the rear foot flat on the floor?   

   1.37 “Internal” versus “External” Martial Arts  

   1.38 Shuhari & recent style evolution  

   1.39 Women in karate  

Chapter 2: The Philosophy & Culture of the Dojo                     page 45

 2.1 The dojo kun, its history and deeper meaning 

 2.2 The dojo "code of conduct"

 2.3 The meaning of Osu  

 2.4 Further notes on Dojo etiquette and procedures  

 2.5 The Zen “Ox Herding Pictures” and some rank analogies 

    2.51 The green belt period 

    2.52 The brown belt period  


Chapter 3: Kata, the core of karate & your toolkit for street self defense              page 63

 3.1 Kata history & and its relationship to other martial arts & self defense 

 3.2 Shito-ryu kata set – translations & notes 

    3.21 Himeji, Okinawa & “san nen no kata”  

   3.22 Case Study, Pinan Nidan Mabuni‟s Pinan Nidan kata pattern  

   3.23 A final comment on the context for kata

   3.24 Ryu-ha core kata list, kata kanji and kata name translations  

 3.3 Bunkai – the application of kata  

   3.31 The overlap between classical martial arts & modern street violence data  

   3.32 Grappling techniques and their probability of leading to medical outcomes:  

   3.33 Break-fall techniques & the probability they protect you  

   3.34 Arm bars in your bunkai? 


Chapter 4: Tournaments, their value & Street Reality 

 4.1 A comment on Tournaments: Why they are worthwhile despite rules & subjective refereeing    

 4.2 Further notes on tournaments: WKF vs Traditional Ippon Shobu vs street reality?


Chapter 5: The basic physiology/medical outcome of hitting 3 primary targets                        page 87 

 5.1 Impacting different regions around the head  

     5.11 To attain a knock-out one relies heavily on the looseness of the opponent‟s               neck & jaw muscles 

 5.2 Striking the ribs & stomach region  

 5.3 Striking the Solar Plexus 


Chapter 6: Flexibility & a standard yoga-based warm-up aimed at karate needs              page 102 

 6.1 If leading a warm-up  

 6.2 Medical studies regarding stretching and Yoga   

 6.3 The physiology of stretching in brief  

  6.4 Our standard yoga-based flexibility routine for karate    


Chapter 7: Understanding belt ranks & our style’s test traditions           page 108

 7.1 Colored belts (Kyu ranks) 

     7.11 Adult belt rank system 

     7.21 Juniors, kids & little tigers belt rank systems

 7.2 How to tie your belt (obi)  

 7.3 Black belt ranks & titles  

     7.31 Sensei 

     7.32 Shihan 

     7.33 Kyoshi 

     7.34 Hanshi


Chapter 8: Some further style curriculum threads                           page 115

 8.1 Fudoshin  

 8.2 Stance (tachi) Dimensions  

 8.3 Connecting basic heiko dachi stances to kamae & ippon kumite  

 8.4 A note on kicks & traditional karate & street applicability  

      8.41 More than one way to do a given kick 

                 - back kick as one case study      


Chapter 9: The nature of belt tests & their content               page 124

 9.1 A theory exam alongside the physical (pen & sword) 

 9.2 Rank tests & mapping to assault statistics  

 9.3 Fitness vs. skill  

 9.4 Test vs. demonstration  

 9.5 Over 35 year old students  

 9.6 Kids & Juniors (7-16 years) – kata versus kumite  

 9.7 Belt test curricula aligned with street violence statistics 

             All kyu ranks belt test curriculum 

             Shihouzuki kata pattern 

             Juni (Taikyoku) kata pattern     

 9.8 Little Tigers curriculum – under 7 years old  

 9.9 Basic karate terminology that you should know to test for green belt  

         9.91 Basic karate terminology that you should know to test for black belt  

         9.92 Brown belt test requirement - recognition of key Japanese Kanji 

                       - be able to read the kanji that will be written on your black belt!        


Chapter 10: Brown belts (senpai) beginning to teach karate - 15 tips on instructing a low rank class             page 179


References           page 182


Index                    page 186


List of Figures      page 202


Preserve the Pen & Sword approach!