Saving Lives Across Scotland

Spring 2023 ∙ Ena Saracevic

Sixth Year pupils practising CPR
Sixth Year pupils practising CPR 

On the 13th of March, a group of sixth year pupils began CPR training. The training, being run by Kieran’s Legacy, provided pupils with a chance to learn how to save lives and use life-saving equipment like defibrillators. Through the training, many pupils learnt skills that they will carry with them for life.

Keiran’s Legacy’s three charitable aims are to save lives, advance education, and to enhance the provision of recreational facilities. They have collaborated with various communities, including schools, where they have supported and aided in the provision of automated external defibrillators.

The education in schools is not only limited to CPR training, but also defibrillator training. One of the aims of the training is to break down the fear that can occur when people are faced with a life threatening situation. To date, over 1000 people have been trained and 60 defibrillators have been sited with four lives being saved from these devices.

Ella, a sixth year pupil, commented on what she learnt from the training.

“It was great learning how to save someone’s life in the future since you never know what might happen. I really enjoyed it and felt that teamwork was very beneficial.”

The session was broadcasted by STV which brought more attention to the charity and clearly demonstrated to the public how useful these training sessions are. Kieran’s Legacy have been holding various CPR training sessions across the region, and we hope that they’ll continue for many years to come!