Elgin Academy Compete in the Ethics Cup

Spring 2023 ∙ Alana Baird & Gabriella Donaghy 

Elgin Academy at the Ethics Cup. From left; Alana Baird, Gabby Donaghy, Ena Saracevic, Emily Anderson.
Elgin Academy at the Ethics Cup. From left; Alana, Gabby, Ena, Emily.

On Thursday the 22nd February 2023, our school's senior phase ethical discussion team (Alana, Rosa, Ena, Emily, Gabby and Jake) went out to Keith Grammar school to compete with Keith Grammar High, Fraserburgh Academy, Elgin Academy, St. Paul’s, St. Margaret’s school for girls and Buckie High School. Each round consisted of two case studies which were discussed primarily by whoever won the coin toss- the winners also chose which viewpoint they would take. This would take place over five rounds and whoever won the most points would go to the second round in St. Andrews. 

On the way there the team was optimistic about winning the competition and felt confident going into the first round. 

“Yeah, we are feeling confident about the competition and can't wait to see what happens today. Hopefully, we can win and go to the next round in St. Andrews” 

After being told the rules of the competition, our team played their first round against Buckie High School's RMPS team. Sadly, the team did not win this round though they were close, giving round one’s point to Buckie High - “they definitely deserved the win,” said Ena. In the second round agents St. Paul’s, where after a long back and forward with some great points from both sides, Elgin Academy won both case studies. From then on, the team had a big motivation going into the third round of the tournament. 

During the third round, we were against Fraserburgh Academy, where we were quite equally matched. Although, after some amazing things were said about the case studies, we won one case study with the other going to Fraserburgh, giving them the upper hand in the overall tournament. After a few more rounds, it was time to find out what team had the most points from each round. The winner was Fraserburgh Academy after all their hard work, it was a well-deserved win for them. We would then find out that Elgin Academy was only a point and a half away from winning the whole competition.  

Even though the team did not win, it was still a wonderful experience for them to have and the team is planning to go back next year and hopefully win. The team leader, Mrs Hamilton, said “The team has come a long way from the beginning of the year, and I am so proud of them. I cannot wait to go back next year and hopefully win”