A Slice Above - Elgin En Garde

Spring 2023 ∙ Ella Howie

Some members of Elgin En Garde during a competition
Some members of Elgin En Garde during a competition

Elgin En Garde is the school’s fencing club that aims to share knowledge about the sport, as well as to give pupils an opportunity to compete in competitions. They meet on Fridays, training for free as they learn about the art of fencing. Mrs Stewart runs the club, leading with her own expertise on the subject. 

Mrs Stewart began as a member of the Elgin Duellist Fencing Club, eventually becoming the Welfare Officer which is a post she is currently in. She started the school’s fencing club due to her love of fencing. She put a large emphasis on how fencing is for everyone, it doesn’t matter if you're young or old. 

The school club helps to bring confidence to individuals, as well as a sense of control over the sport. Teachers have pointed out that the students seem much more confident whilst in the club, as it helps to bring them out of their own comfort zones. As well as this, it helps to keep the students active while they learn new skills that they hone during every training session. 

The students are able to showcase the variety of skills that they have learnt through competitions. One of these competitions, which happened on February 10th and the 17th, brought a great deal of success to the fencers of Elgin Academy.

The overall winners were Reuben, Joshua, and Fiona who achieved an astonishing 14, 13, and 8 points respectively. The competition was split into four divisions depending on their skill and stage in fencing. 

In the Beginners pool, William scored 2 points while Sarah scored 1 point. The second pool, which was the Intermediate pool, had Simon score 5 points and Fonn score 1 point. The Experienced pool had Sebastian score 2 points and Rowan score 1 point. The final pool, being called the Top Dogs, had Mark score 1 point and Andrew score -1 point. 

If you would like to support the club and help in making it stay free, the club heavily appreciates any donations which can be made after scanning the QR code outside Mrs Stewart’s classroom. 

If you’d like to try out fencing, if you’ve got experience or have never tried it before, come down Friday after school to Elgin En Garde and try it out!