Sports Leaders out of Their Depths by Coaching Juniors?

Autumn 2023 ∙ Ben Rankin

Miss Anderson, previously of Forfar Academy, is running the first ever Sports Leadership course. The course, run by PE is an enjoyable and interesting course where you can develop your coaching and leadership skills, with a level 6 award up for grabs at the end of it (equivalent to a higher.) One aspect of this class is that you need to complete 14 hours of leadership. To do this, the S5’s and S6’s have been joined for 6 weeks by Bishopmill Primary Schools P7’s. 60 children, joined by their teachers, Miss Anderson and…,  have come and been coached through football from 10 o’clock until 11. It has been a success…mostly. One student of the class has said “I have been taken aback by the whole hour of coaching and there have been times when it has been challenging. It’s a long time to fill and there is a lot of pressure when dealing with the kids as it could shape their views on sport for years to come.” 

Although this has been said, the local school’s youngsters have left the sessions with rosy cheeks and have enjoyed working in their small groups of 10. A new school will be welcomed after the Christmas holidays for the leaders to work with and to possibly develop them into the next coming of the Elgin Lionel Messi. The plan is that the newly founded course at our school is to host a tournament for the P7 transition days to give them another opportunity of perfecting their skills to get that final grade.