School Strictly Come Dancing

Spring 2023 ∙ Roddy Wells

Strictly Come Dancing is a beloved BBC show showcasing celebrities learning to dance with a professional partner. In Elgin we have the perhaps more beloved EA strictly come dancing featuring a star studded cast of teachers and students, a much more interesting premise If I say so myself. Put on pause due to the pandemic, for the first time in three years we get to bear witness to the dancing skills of the students and teachers which will take part.  Who do we have to thank for this elegant affair? None other than the fundraising committee. Comprised of S6 students (including yours truly) they have went into work overdrive to deliver the event which should provide perfectly entertaining content for the school and all who associate with it. We’ll meet Cameron and a group taking part to find out about this sparkling event.  

To find out more about the production side of the event, I Interviewed Cameron. Being an integral member of the tech team, he took part in every EA strictly event since he joined the school. Being an S6 and as it’s coming to the end of the year, this will be his last production which he hopes will be a spectacle to behold. “This is going to be my last production, so I hope I can go out with a bang” he said with excitement. Looking forward to seeing the ever loyal PE department which always takes up a space in the roster of dancers, Cameron was also keen to see a sell out for the attendance as it’s such a popular event and has done so in the past.  

It was after Cameron that I decided to interview contestants to gain further information about their point of view. Beginning with the group of Brooke, Louise, Maddison, and Chloe. They worked with Phoebe to create and master a dance from Hannah Montana. They claim the story to be about “finding their feet again” and is called the “Hoedown Throwdown. They said they have decided to take part “for a bit of fun and to help charity”. I asked how they were feeling in the build-up and they exclaimed that they were energised. They feel well ready and have “sacrificed a lot for their performance”. We all look forward to seeing the “hoedown throwdown” performed live on the day.  

The EA Strictly Come Dancing is an event which takes place on the 29th of March and supports the Abby Sparkle Foundation, a charity which seeks to help children with cancer across Scotland. A recommended donation of £5 is suggested for entry to this spectacular outing. I look forward to it and anyone coming will help in a great way.