Catching Up With Ms Ross

Spring 2023 ∙ Ben Rankin

Ms Ross

Due to the not so recent departure of Ms Macdonald and Mrs Slater in the Music department, we interviewed head of music Ms Ross to see how things were. Here is what she said…

The first question we had for her was how much of a difference it has made, and she responded with “It’s made a huge difference to me, I have had to think very hard, very quickly. We have had to completely re-schedule the timetable, think carefully about our priorities, and ultimately had to make some decisions that I wasn’t particularly happy with. Though,sadly, it had to be to the benefit of the pupils who have needed the music specialist teachers.”

Thankfully all S3 to S6 classes have been able to get a music teacher teaching them with the addition of Mr Brill who has been described as “a breath of fresh air”. He has worked hard with the choir and in other extra curricular areas, as has Miss O’Prey. 

Regarding S2’s and S1’s, she has tried to give them one period a week with a music specialist teacher but unfortunately a small number of classes still have a cover teacher. The music department has had a lot of support from all areas of the school including SLT but most importantly the help from the Art department has been fantastic. Ms Ross has stated that she enjoys working hard after school hours to make the job and the department to run smoothly and wants the music department to be a fun, happy place to be and to learn. When the seniors go on study leave she hopes that the situation will go back to normal as there will be music teachers there for the BGE classes and to give help to those who have their exams upcoming.