2024 Horoscopes

Autumn 2023 ∙ Adela Margallo Fernandez

Zodiac signs or sun signs, in theory, represent who you are and how the world sees you according to when you were born within the year. Here are next year's horoscopes!

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

Capricorn won't have to fear any big changes and will excel at whatever you put your mind to do.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Aquarius will gain some new strength from the new year and decision making will be your specialty. However you might be a little bit too harsh on yourself so you should try talking with someone before making any life-changing decisions.

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20)

Pisces will have an endless amount of imagination, so starting a project based on it may be beneficial. However, in the process you will become busy and forget to maintain your relationships. If you do this, you will gain some distance from your loved ones.

Aries (March 21- April 19)

A need for a key change in life may happen due to the new year, this means that Aries will mainly be focused on themselves. You might want to act selfishly depending on your surroundings, so you should surround yourself with positive energy. However, January is also a month filled with emotional experiences.

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Taurus will be more attentive to others and improve their organisation skills; because of this you will gain confidence and excel socially. You will improve your creativity and financial situation. However, you should not let it go to your head and be too stubborn or you could make enemies in place of friends.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini will mainly be focused on relationships, specifically reviving them and deepening them. You will also be very determined with your goals, but you will be prone to losing patience. You should find a friend to do it with.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer will enter into a period of personal development and will be open to different opinions. Because of this, you will meet people that will be good influences. However, you may have trouble with figures of authority, and receive overly-large amounts of work. You should remember that taking care of yourself is important.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Leo will do well in your job and your ability to argue will make you excellent negotiators. You will accomplish your goals and will be very alert. Therefore, you should solve any problems you have. However, you should think carefully about your actions when it comes to relationships, as you might say something you can't take back.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Virgo might feel melancholy or sadness, you should work on yourself and work towards achieving your goals. The feeling of success will make you feel better. You may also make a new friend by exercising.

Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22)

Libra will have very strong emotions. You might feel you don't know what to do in life and it will bother you. However, you should let it go and wait until you are feeling more prepared to make life-changing decisions. You should focus on the little things, like hobbies.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

Scorpio will have much more drive and enthusiasm because of the New Year. Your mental health will be essential for your success, so you should take care of it as well as trying to maintain a level-headed attitude, as you may need to make some important life decisions and shouldn't let yourself be carried away by others.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

January could bring up some issues in past relationships and Sagittarius will need to face them to be able to move on. You will become impulsive and may have trouble focusing. You should try taking breaks when you start to lose concentration.