Ask Elgin Academy: What subject should I study?

Spring 2023 ∙ Rosa McKay and Michael Thompson

In our new ‘Opinions Column’, we’ve decided to give the students of Elgin Academy a voice within the newspaper. We asked various senior students about their experience within school, and what subjects they’d recommend for people currently making their course choices. 

Abigail, a sixth year, says her favourite subject is Advanced Higher Art. She recommends it as you get a lot of freedom with the amount of work involved.

Some of the boys in fifth year would recommend the sciences such as Physics as it is taught well and this can help our understanding of the modern world as people use outdated beliefs. 

Other S5 students would recommend Art and Music because of the practical experience you can get, as well as the freedom of choosing what you would like to. 

Chemistry as the teachers make it fun and they say it is a good subject to learn, chemistry is a good connection to each science as it links to physics and biology, so you get a robust overview into each branch of science. 

Another course that was popular was National 5 Computing which many enjoy because of the skills you learn that you can’t learn anywhere else. The ability to pick between the Web Design unit or the Database unit allows students to have freedom with what they study. 

Many people vouched for Higher Geography being an interesting subject, though they also mentioned the large amount of work needed to do.

National 5 History has also been recommended by many senior students. The students who recommended this believe that history explores great topics and pupils learn an array of fun and interesting facts. Some pupils also claim that it is relatively easy to pass. 

It is clear that there is a wide range of subjects that the students of Elgin Academy enjoy. A common theme that was reiterated while we asked students questions was that it is important to take subjects you enjoy. While picking your subjects, it is also important to think about what job sector you may like to enter in the future. Whatever subjects you pick, it is entirely subjective to the individual and it is important to take a subject for yourself to form your own opinion on it.