Meet The Teacher – Mrs Forster 

Autumn 2023 ∙ Tegan Henderson 

Mrs Forster, Principal teacher of the Elgin Academy English Department. Photo; Morgan Munro

To write this article, I had the challenging task of deciding which of our amazing teacher’s we have here at Elgin academy to interview. After much consideration I decided to interview the head of our English Department, Mrs Forster. My decision was much credited, as she had so much to share about the value of English and reading, which I will now share with you. 

As an English teacher she teaches an array of topics. When asked which one was her favourite, her immediate response was Shakespeare. She stated it was the variety of topics, themes, and the ability for it to be so relatable to modern day despite it being written 500 years ago. Additionally, his grasp on life issues and people, how he creates a fun story with diverse characters as well as a genius piece of writing intrigues her. She finds most people have a negative first impression of Shakespeare; but once they realise that it is not a “different language” or too difficult, they can really enjoy it. “There’s something for everybody.” 

I asked her how she came to be so passionate about English. In response, she said it was the lack of TV in her youth- especially during the long holidays that she would spend in a caravan- so with no TV, on rainy days she would often turn to books. Reading was always something she loved from when she was very young. It would become a friendly competition between her and her sister of who could read the most “Enid Blyton books.” At school, she also had an exceptional 

 library and a great English teacher, which she predicts factored into her love of the subject. She finds reading a wonderful gift, this wonderful escapism that she just wants everybody to find that joy, “it’s like this hidden treasure that you want to share with everybody.” 

We have always told you need to read but “Why should you read?” Mrs Forster has many reasons for why reading is incredibly useful and enjoyable. She shares how reading is in fact scientifically proven to increase your life expectancy for up to two years or more! She also finds that people who read tend to be more interesting. When you come across people who read it gives you a common interest, that in turn gives you lots to talk about. Contradicting to some people who say “life’s too short” so they do not finish a book they do not enjoy; Mrs Forster personally reads books until the end even if she does not like them. So, for example when reading a popular book, she can say she did not like it for the following reasons. Reading also allows you to enter that world of wellbeing and relaxation, “selfcare” is the most used word today. "Before mobile phones you could have a little book in your bag for 10-20 minutes anytime.” 

Now, the most asked question for teachers, “why did you decide to teach?” Well, like in the previous answers, her childhood played a huge role. She knew for certain around the ages of 15-16 that she wanted to become a teacher. Her favourite subjects were History and English, so she immediately knew she wanted to do something involving those subjects. In addition to that, when she was young, she would go to a lot of summer camps that involved lots of jobs as a leader, so the role of leadership was introduced to at quite an early age. She also enjoys working with teenagers as they have a lot to offer, a profound sense of humour with everyday being different teaching them. Another key role of teaching; she enjoys being around people. “She is addicted to meeting new people.” Therefore, being a teacher ticks all those boxes for her with teaching being a very sociable role. 

“What are your qualifications?” Mrs Forster has been teaching for 25 years, 15 of which she was teaching history. 11 of those years have been spent at Elgin Academy, but what qualification did she get to be here? As she knew in school exactly what she wanted to be and how to get there she decided to leave in 5th year to pursue teaching at Stirling university, where she took a course that gave her both the degree and the teaching courses allowing her to graduate earlier. Since the age of 20, she has taught all across Scotland, including; Stirlingshire, the south side of Glasgow, the Scottish borders as well as 5 of the 8 secondary schools in Morayshire. With all that experience there is no surprise she is the head of English at Elgin academy, but with the title comes a lot of responsibilities; such as no longer just having the responsibility of a small class of around 20. Instead of a whole department of students, she also finds herself being the supporting role for the many English teachers in the department in addition to preparing classes other than her own and sorting the student's English curriculum.  

We all know Mrs Forster has a passion for English but “what are your other interests, or things you enjoy doing in your spare time.” She shared that she enjoys learning Italian when she is not marking work or jotters. She has also recently loved going to the National Theatre live, in fact one Thursday she was having a wonderful time, just her and two other people in the cinema watching a play from 10 years ago with a big box of popcorn, which was clearly a memorable experience for her. We are always being told what the new hottest book is or the recent must read but when Mrs Forster was asked for her “must read” it was more of a classic, old book... The Holy Bible. She believes that everyone should give it a go and have the opportunity to form an opinion on it. Growing up in quite a religious household herself, it was one of the first times she was introduced to reading stories. So, she gives the bible some credit for why she is so motivated about English.  

I want to thank Mrs Forster for her time and excellent answers. I enjoyed interviewing her and writing this article. It has been made truly clear that she loves both English and teaching. She is a great Head of English Department whom Elgin academy is lucky to have.