Experiences of Elgin Academy Graduates 

Autumn 2023 ∙ Ada Carmichael

World Flags in Elgin Academy canteen for world book day. Photo; Sam Johnston.

Modern Languages are some of the most underestimated subjects taught in high schools today. Languages open a gateway to so many different skills and opportunities. Only 46% of students in 2020/21 took a modern language in the whole of the UK; despite the fact that they can help you develop a better memory, and they often help you understand your own language better. Learning a second language also makes it a lot easier to learn more! A lot of key vocabulary is the same, or remarkably similar across lots of European languages. In this article I will cover lots of different reasons for you to learn a language.  

Languages open so many more travel opportunities you may not have had otherwise and Many languages are used in multiple countries. For example, Spanish is used in 21 different countries across Latin America and Europe. In general, The British people have a horrible reputation when we travel because, as a nation, we don’t tend to bother learning the language of the country we are visiting. This leads to foreign people sometimes not even entertaining our attempt at their native language, offending people and their culture. Even learning a small part of the language can help change this stereotype. Learning basic greetings and questions we may need, for example, hello, thank you, can I have..., can improve your image in a foreign country. It also shows that you respect the other country. There is also the added bonus of, if you find yourself stranded in a country you do not know, even if you don’t speak the language, you are more likely to find someone who speaks a more commonly spoken language like French or Spanish.  

Learning a language can do so much for your mental health and quality of life. A second language can lengthen your attention span, which in a world of 15 second videos and the fastest technology we have ever seen, is a huge benefit to your work and school life. It also opens many more career opportunities- knowing a foreign language makes you much more desirable to employers as well. For example, you have a greater chance of becoming a flight attendant if you know a second or even third language. Languages are not only good for your brain, but your creativity can also improve. When someone learns a language, they become more familiar with the culture of the place the language is spoken. This can lead to influences from those cultures making a way into these peoples, work, school, or home. A new language can also improve your mother tongue. You learn your first language by hearing it spoken around you, and you pick up on some grammar rules that you may not even realise you are using.  

You may not expect it, but learning a new language can actually boost your self esteem! Naturally, nobody likes being the centre of attention for making a mistake, but it’s naturally going to happen as you start speaking in a new language. Even as you do make mistakes, it doesn’t matter because it just shows you were trying, and people always respect someone who is trying their best to learn their native tongue. Self esteem is very important in life, it makes you come across more confident in yourself and people will take you more seriously if you can show them you are self confident and explain your ideas. In a foreign country, scam artists will pick out the most lost looking person and play on their nerves to get money or so they can distract you while someone else steals from your pockets or bag. If you seem more confident, they will just assume you know what you're doing, even if you don’t, and leave you alone.

In conclusion, languages are beneficial in many ways. There are loads of different places you can travel, skills you can achieve and people you can meet. A second language can improve your mental health and your quality of life by helping you develop a longer attention span and more self confidence. If you want to learn a language, there are many resources available online and in person. You can always speak to one of the modern language teachers about taking a language for S3 or a certificate class. If you would prefer online, there are many free and paid options. Duolingo is a free language learning app that helps you develop your skills with stories and games. There is also Linguascope, which is a website that helps revise vocabulary through games. If you would like the login to the website, you can ask any modern languages teacher.