Special Operations Aviation Units

Special Operations Combat Support Units

These troops serve in small specialist units attached to other Special Forces units, providing medical, signal, engineering and other combat support services.

Entry Strength+Agility+Constitution 15+.

In addition - for officers:, OCS, military academy, or commission, and at least two points in Combat Engineering, Medical, Electronics, Civil Engineering Computer or Persuasion from service in one of the branches listed below (and their first term skills will come from that branch).

Flrst Term Skllis:

  • Either

    • Combat Engineering: 3 (SF Engineering)

    • Medical (Trauma Aid): 3 (SF Medical)

    • Electronics 1, Computer 2 (Signals)

    • Persuasion 3 (PsyOps)

    • Forward Observer 2, Electronics 1 (Combat Air Controller)

    • Civil Engineering 1, Construction 1, Scrounging 1 (Civil Affairs)

    • Leadership, Persuasion and Administration: 1 each (Officers in any of the specialties listed).

  • Parachute or Small Walercraft: 1

  • Stealth: 1

  • Small Arms: 1

Subsequent Term Skllls:

  • Acrobatics

  • Armed Martial Arts

  • Autogun

  • Combat Engineer

  • Grenade Launcher

  • Navigation

  • Observation

  • Parachute

  • Scuba

  • Small Arms

  • Small Watercraft

  • Snow Skiing

  • Stealth

  • Survival

  • Swimming

  • Thrown Weapon

  • Unarmed Martial Ms

Promotion: 8+, DM +1 if INT 7+

Contacts: One per term. Roll 1D10 for 8+ for contact to be foreign.

Special: None