
I need to take some space to credit the many people who’ve helped me over the years - most of them without realizing it.

I started writing the articles that turned into the unpublished book that turned into this website back in 1988. I had a captive audience - a Twilight campaign that began in 1987 and ran until 1995 - to playtest my ideas, as well as friends I’ve met since then who’ve added their military experience to help me flesh out the details.

And I can’t forget those of you who’ve pitched in since I put up the website (in August of 1997) with your own observations, criticisms and experience (especially you non-US military veterans who’ve helped me update so much in the past year). See “Recent Contributors”, below.

Original Playtesters

Wolf-Holger Fiedler (BA), Bob Tregillis (COBOL :-P), Gerald Ogaard (Di30MoL) Ray Mordorski (MN-DFL), Cheryl Bohrer (IWHA), Bill Haverberg (RSG), Joe Garrett (MFI), BJ Kerstetter, Mari Neill (OLL!!!), Frankie P, Anthony O’Hara, Bob “The Rampaging Hun” Van Dam and any one of the 20-odd others that passed through my campaigns that I’ve forgotten...


Jim Millard (USAR), Mark Neukom (11 ACR).

In Memory...

This site gives thanks for the life of Duncan Akason, who passed away on March 21, 2000 after a battle with cancer. He was a wonderful friend, a consummate gamer, and invaluable in playtesting the rules that make up this site during its early genesis.

A Million Thanks (2019)

To "David Mc", from the "Twilight 2000 FP and Workshop" Facebook page, for finding the Wayback Machine link that led me to so much of the material that I'd spent so much time on back in the '90s, so I could focus on writing new stuff for this site. Thank you so very much!

Contributors to the Original (Cold War-Era) Site

Albania, Brazil, Argentina, China, Czech Republic

  • Charles Doty


  • Jim Lawrie
  • Charles Doty


  • Alain Servaes
  • Charles Doty


  • Gary Kusec
  • Sgt. Justin Crough
  • Northern Dissident
  • Brad Moore


  • Nis Mathiesen


  • Ville Laurila
  • Sgt. Atte Tikkanen


  • J.N. Peters


  • Marco Pietersen

New Zealand

  • Raymond Gray


  • Carl Roger Nilsen


  • Eduardo Perez Santos



  • Norm Hughes (Air Force)
  • Scott Steinmetz (Aircraft in general)
  • Benjamin Gilberg’s input on Navy/Air Force Special Forces