
"What Gaboon does not know won't hurt you" -Goblin proverb

The Skull Coast is a place of lush jungles and exotic landscapes which are the ideal place to grow more exotic crops and spices. Whilst other realms grow food en masse, it is Skull Coast which provides flavour to the blandness of a bread and meat diet. 

Islanders, Teefs, Jicho and Chorga are encouraged to harness a resource and prepare it for export! We require resources from the other two factions too! Set up your deals! Negotiate your margins!

It is Good Mog to do so!

Common resources

Exotic / Luxury 

Food & Ingredients

Exotic livestock

The Skull Coast biome is abundant in fauna. This has created a flourishing market in animals and animal parts ready to be exported to eager customers. 

Capybara fur Pelts, Tapir meat, Elephant Ivory, Parrot Feathers in many vibrant colors, Snake skins, Gator pelts, Shark steaks, Meatbeetles, Seabeetles (lobsters), Songbirds and carved bird skulls (skubs). 

Metamorphic rock

The proximity of the volcano and its geothermic pressures yield a bounty of metamorphic rock such as: Marble, Pink Marble, Soapstone, Quartzite, Slate, Shale, Garnet, Serpentine, Talc. Sulphur is an important component in the production of fertilisers, certain medicines and gunpowder. It is becoming an increasingly sought after commodity. 

uncommon resources


precious stones

rare resources

strange ores

These resources are controlled by Bah rank and higher! Consult your Hok for details!

Chorgasm An ore that glows red that emits dangerous levels of magical energy. Direct contact with the ore can cause adverse effects such as burns, illness, and death. This is the most volatile of the three Skull Coast magically sacred ores but also the least dense in magic. It is consider the easiest to work with by unskilled crafters...and also the most likely to explode at any moment. 

Teefquoise An ore that glows blue that emits dangerous levels of magical energy. Direct contact with the ore can cause adverse effects such as burns, illness, and death. The sacred ore serves as a middle ground between Chorgasm and Jichonium in terms of volatility and magical denseness.  

Jichonium An ore that glows green that emits dangerous levels of magical energy. Direct contact with the ore can cause adverse effects such as burns, illness, and death. The least volatile of the three reactive ores but also the densest in magic. Due to Jichonium being less reactive it is considered the hardest to work with by the impatient but often the best by due to its denseness in magic by the dedicated. 

Precursor Tech

Artifacts, Maguffins and Crystals left by the society that existed on Skull Coast prior to the arrival of the Black Tusk explorers.

The 'Strange Ores' and 'Precursor Tech' may be of interest as components and energy supplies for Alchemical, Arcane and Magitech crafters. 

We have little understanding of their properties but consider them as sacred to the land of Nascentia as the Dinos, so there is only two ways to seek them, both by arrangement with Skull Coast:

In both cases we have a jungle skybox for such adventures and there is always a risk of dinos attacking!

Contact one of our officers if this is of interest to you!