Jicho Mysteries

''Those that think Greenskins are brutish think that only because it is what greenskins want them to think'' - Brokil

What is a Jicho of the Weird Eye?

Don't forget to wear your group tag so everyone knows your rank or position! The Skull Coast denizens talk. A lot. When someone earns rank, word spreads quickly. 

The Third Eye Of Mog is the least populated of the eyes. Magic and ritual is feared by the general population and those that inhabit this pillar of society are both revered and feared in equal measure.

The Third Eye Of Mog has one totem. That would be a row of bones or a collection of bones. Two or more, strung together. 

The Third Eye covers a multitude of talents. From Shaman to mystic, to healer to tactician. It is the class of behavior that requires direct cerebral activity. Though any one member of the Third Eye does not relate directly to another. In a tribe the Third Eye is the rarest of the population. Slaves and Kurvs are unlikely to be in this class. Even if their skills depict the qualities within. It is considered the spiritual home and cultural base of the purebred greenskins. Where magics and ceremonies are performed and plans and tactics are deployed. 

The Tenets of Mog are often taught by Jicho scholars, seek one out to learn more. 

Tusk Tasks - Jicho Edition

The following tasks are posted as optional items to deepen your role play as a Jicho

If you choose to do one of the tasks below notecard your RP and send it to the Hok'Jicho - Nimue -,(minaacedia.resident) - to show you've concluded the task. Either send a notecard of the RP, or select a few of your best posts from the RP and post them to #sim-ic-share-nsfw making sure to tag @{SC}Hok'Jicho.

.•°o.O  Learnin' things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Teachin' Things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Creative like things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Make Hok'Jicho Happy things  O.o°•.