Three Eyes of Mog

"GOOD MOG! GOOD MOG!" ~Everyone

MOG - What the tusk is that?

Mog is a strange word that defies explanation to outsiders. A member of the group is asked to obscure the meaning and muddy the waters of the concept to outsiders. They are beneath us on how it works and why we ascribe to it. 

First and foremost Mog is a creed. But it means much more to Tusks.

It covers concepts such as:

Though it is the most sophisticated manner the Tusks have of social action they have enjoyed, the orcish language does not lend to higher socio-biological concepts. Therefore Mog is referred to as a God, though he/she/it is not worshiped traditionally like the Primals. 'MOG' is both a noun and a verb in both common tongue and Orcish. The confusion is intentional. Tusks don’t want to share MOG with outsiders. Beings that espouse MOG that are not of the culture should be struck down.

Every tribe has a multitude of variances. Ogres, half ogres, goblins and orcs as well as shifters, magic users, healers, shaman and any variation therein. Other races have been known to join clans and would be expected to Mog just like the others. 

Of course, some Tusk types are better at certain tasks, such as war. This doesn't reduce the value of the others, due to the Eyes Of Mog. 

Every Tusk is expected to Mog in each Eye in some fashion. No Tusk is just a fighter and nothing else. A warrior that does not Mog in the other two pillars would be considered poor in Mog. Shameful!

It is right to say you agree with something by saying "It is Good Mog." - it covers "It is worthy" , "You agree" , "It makes sense". "What that person just did is in accordance with our rules."

It is right to say you disagree with something by saying "It is Bad Mog." - it covers "It is unworthy" , "You disagree" , "It doesn't make sense" , "What that person just did is not in accordance with our rules."

The first eye- A tribal style black square sits above this text

"Strength Takes Many Forms" - Tenet of Mog 

The First Eye of Mog - Chorga

The First Eye Of Mog is one that outsiders would immediately notice. It is the Eye of War. Clans, War bands, and Tribes alike all had some focus on war, be it through direct involvement, as one would expect from a brute or a wide line of clan warriors, or the more indirect participants who assist with the pillar by producing weapons and armor to fight with. War is where the clansmen let bygones be bygones amongst one another as they focus on a common enemy to their collective.

The First Eye Of Mog uses the Orc Skull as its totem. An Orc skull is larger and retains its tusks and is the symbol of war. For that reason the orc is considered usually the representative of the First Eye in the Black Tusk society. Some orcs will donate their skulls after their deaths to be preserved to be used as totems by their brethren. Their rib cages are used to bolster the clans defenses. Orcs do not bury their dead. The skulls of your enemies upon your person represent the First Eye Of Mog.

The Second Eye of Mog - Teef

The Second Eye Of Mog is based off of the foundation of greed and desire of material wealth. It is the Pillar of Trade. Collective groups of clansmen typically have a mix of skills. Warriors are not the only breed found, there are many professions amongst clan.  Societies, traders, craftsmen of various kind of metallurgy, carpentry, alchemy, black smith, resource gathering - anything that can be bartered away for coins or other goods was a fulfillment of the Eye of Trade.

The Second Eye OF Mog has two totems. This is because it is so flexible and reflects much more that than it seems. 

The first totem is the Caretaker, a fat goblin that cares for the shoats (children) of a tribe. The younglings in this tribe are located on the very deepest chambers of the cave network. There, the pregnant Tusks and slaves are brought to fruition by nursing gobbos and attendant slaves. This will be a level unseen in our Rp. The Caretaker is represented by a birdskull with glyphs carved into it. It is considered good luck to carry a birdskull with the Caretaker glyph carried upon you. 

The second totem is the Auditor, the oldest goblin. They oversee the transactions of coin through the tribe. Like an executive accountant, all proceeds from the work of others is counted by the Auditor. To develop influence and trade and sustain the tribe. The Auditor is also depicted on a birdskull, though this glyph is very different to the Caretaker tending towards the beak end, denoting a larger nose.

Both glyphs are considered very lucky and are often carved by gobbos to trade for coins in respect for the Second Eye.

The second eye- A tribal style black triangle pointing to the right hovers above this test

"The Acquisition Of Coin Is The Virtue - How It Is Earned Is Not" - Tenet of Mog

The third eye- Above this text sits a tribal style black tringle pointing up

"Challenge The Stranger" - Tenet of Mog

The Third Eye of Mog - Jicho

The Third Eye Of Mog covers tactics, leadership and religious practices. This is as close to a scholarly branch as the clan society can get. If you are not a leader or a Mystic, then you would be expected to attend and participate in any ritual or ceremony that is performed. You would be expected to carry out orders and commands given to you by someone from this Mog. A leader or Mystic, whom obviously would concentrate on this pillar the most, would still have something to offer with the other pillars, albeit not their primary concern.

The Third Eye Of Mog has one totem. That would be a row of bones or a collection of bones. Two or more, strung together. 

The Third Eye covers a multitude of talents. From Shaman to mystic, to healer to tactician. It is the class of behavior that requires direct cerebral activity. Though any one member of the Third Eye does not relate directly to another. In a tribe the Third Eye is the rarest of the population. Slaves and Kurvs are unlikely to be in this class. Even if their skills depict the qualities within. It is considered the spiritual home and cultural base of the purebred Tusks. Where magics and ceremonies are performed and plans and tactics are deployed. 

"Life Is Cheap" - Tenet of Mog

The Tenets Of Mog

These tenets have been left without descriptors deliberately! Ask your Hoks, Bahs or a Jicho about them in more detail in world!