Tusk of Steel

"Skull Coast... where big bastards flourish" - Gaboon

The Rules

This is a Black Tusk only event.

Every participant in a Tusk of Steel battle has 75hp (it is a good idea to write down your and your opponents hp and keep track of it since there is no option in the hud for it.)

To determine the order, normal initiative is rolled, but to attack your opponent, we use action rolls (Red dice symbol on the hud -> Action Roll. This is basically a d20, and the result of your roll is the amount of damage you do. If you roll a critical hit (20), then your attack does an additional 10 damage.)

Everyone gets 3 rolls in total, and the person with the most hp remaining wins. If someone falls to 0Hp, they lose. Should the Hp be the exact same after 3 rounds, another round is added.

Group Combat Rules

-> Should there be a Tusk of Steel match that is not a regular 1v1, the 3 turn limit is voided. Any group fight will continue until only one person is standing with some HP remaining!

-> Avoiding or dodging or nullifying your opponents attacks in any way is not allowed! Every attack will hit and you have to stomach them if you want to win!

-> Competitors are NOT allowed to wear armor or other protection to shield their body.

-> Magic is NOT allowed.

-> Only fists and blunt weapons are allowed in a Tusk of Steel fight. 

-> *new rule* Teeth count as sharp weapons and thus biting is not allowed!

NPC Rules

-> Sometimes you may have to face off against an NPC if there's an uneven number of participants, or if it's a training event. In this case the following applies: The NPC will always win initiative and move first, however, the NPC is NOT supposed to win this fight. You are stronger than an NPC! So you can always knock out an NPC on your last (3rd) turn. Powergame them into the ground all you want :)


Tournament Specific Rules

-> The tusk of Steel tournament consists of 2 rounds. In the first round all participants will face off against one opponent determined by an initiative roll. 3 rounds will be fought against the same opponent. After each fight, please write down your REMAINING HP before you reset it to 75 for the next fight.

-> After all 3 fights have concluded, the Tusk who won 2 our of the 3 rounds is declared the winner and has to send all 3 of their remaining hp numbers to whoever is organizing the event. These numbers will be used to determine their finals HP, which will be the average of these 3 numbers, rounded up ((example: remaining hp numbers 38, 45, 53 = 46 hp in the finals))

-> In the finals all the winners of round 1 meet with their remaining Hp, and fight until only 1 Tusk is left standing... the Tusk of Steel!