Meatgrindah: the Gathering

"Fuckin' eejit..." ~ Edd

What is Meatgrindah the Gathering?

Meatgrindah the Gathering uses Meatgrindah Cards to play. What are Meatgrindah Cards? Once a month, the Black Tusk Tribe holds a competition to see who the best of the best is in an arena battle. Only one can emerge victorious. The victor gets a limited quantity collectible trading card made of them. It's these cards that are used to play "Meatgrindah the Gathering".

These cards are collected and traded throughout the Sim, so if you want some, start looking! I hear that the Hok'Teef may have some cards for sale to get you started in the wonderful game that is Mtg!


Though it is not required to play, Players may decide BEFORE THE MATCH if they want to stake one of their cards on the outcome of the match. This is known as "Playing for Green Slips".  

Of course any number of bets or agreements may be made on the outcome of the match. 

For example: Playing for money. Settling an argument. Losing all of your clothes and being forced to run naked through Helheim. (BOTH PLAYERS MUST AGREE TO THE TERMS BEFORE THE MATCH BEGINS!! Consent is key).

How do the cards work? 

The cards represent your 'Fighters'. In the bottom right corner you will see a set of numbers. These numbers represent the card's "Print Number". A 1/6 means it's the first print of six, a 3/6 means it's the third of six, a 5/12 means it's the fifth of twelve, etc. The right number, the total number printed, does not matter, it is the left number, the Print Number itself, that counts. A 2/12 card will still beat a 4/6 card.

The lower the Print Number, the better the card! If your card has a lower Print Number than your opponent, you get a +1 bonus to your roll! If the Print Numbers are identical, no additional bonuses are awarded to either player's roll.

Also, if the person who is pictured on your card is within chat range of your match, you get an additional +1 added to your roll. 

Furthermore, an AUTOGRAPHED card is worth an additional +2 added to your roll!

THE BONUS POINTS ARE ADDITIVE! A single player can have up to +4 added to their Action Roll: If their Print Number is lower than their opponent (+1), The person on their card is present and within chat range (+1), and their card is Autographed (+2). 

(Please see the game play example below)


There are special "Item Cards" that come in the Starter Decks that depict items representing purchasable merchandise from the Black Tusk Tribe!

These cards have NO PRINT NUMBER.

Bonuses can be gained by wearing items depicted on your card. For each UNIQUE worn item, you may add a +1 to your rolls. 

DUPLICATE ITEMS DO NOT COUNT! For example: Wearing three Gozutes will still only give a +1 while playing a "MCC Starter - Gozute" card.

If playing a Primal card such as the "MCC Starter - Despoiler" card while wearing a Despoiler Primal Mask or a Despoiler Bogpatch Doll, you get a +1 to your rolls. If you are wearing both the Despoiler Mask AND Bogpatch Doll you will get a +2 to your rolls. (As stated above, duplicate items DO NOT COUNT! Wearing two Despoiler Bogpatch Dolls or two Despoiler Primal Masks will only grant you a +1 to your roll)

The Great and Mighty "Da Hammah" card is the greatest of all cards! A wielder of this card adds a +3 to their rolls. If they are carrying a Replica of Da Hammah, this bonus becomes a +6. Ask your favorite Tusk how you might obtain Da Hammah Replica!

How To Play 

(An Init Roll is not mandatory, but one may be done for the sake of Post Order)

If a Referee is present, the Players must let them know which cards they will be using throughout the match (Publicly or via IMs if you want to be secretive against your opponent). 

This is a fair, "no cheating allowed" kinda game after all! Totally no underhandedness here, nope! (See below for "underhandedness" rules)

(See below for Tie Breaker rules)

What if we roll the same number? What if there is a Tie?

Game-play Example

The players have decided to play Two Rounds.

Player 1 (P1) has the two cards: "MCC - Akira 6/6" and "MCC - Ockla 6/6"

Player 2 (P2) has the two cards: "MCC - Sinah 8/12" and "MCC - Ockla 4/6"

➊ During Round 1: P1 plays "MCC - Akira 6/6" and P2 plays "MCC - Sinah 8/12". Akira is also in attendance and within chat range of the battle.

► P1 gets a +1 for having the lower Print Number. With Akira being in chat range, P1 gets an additional +1 to their roll, giving them a total of +2 to their roll.

► P2 gets no additional points to their roll.

    Phase 1    

        ► P1 rolls first, getting a 6+2=8

        ► P2 rolls next, getting 16+0=16

                ► P2 - wins a point


    Phase 2    

        ► P1 rolls first, getting 15+2=17

        ► P2 rolls next, getting 9+0=9

                ► P1 - wins a point


► ► The score is now 1/1

➋ During Round 2: P1 plays "MCC - Ockla 6/6" and P2 plays "MCC Ockla 4/6". Ockla is also in attendance and within chat range of the battle.


► P1 gets a +1 to their roll for Ockla being within chat range. 

► P2 gets a +1 for having the lower Print Number. P2 gets an additional +1 for Ockla being within chat range, giving them a total of +2 to their roll.

    Phase 1

        ► P1 rolls first, getting a 15+1=16

        ► P2 rolls next, getting a 14+2=16

                ► The round is a draw and no points are awarded.


     Phase 2           

        ► P1 rolls first, getting a 13+1=14

        ► P2 rolls next, getting a 16+2=18

                ► P2 - wins a point


► ► The final score is 1/2. Player 2 Wins the match!

Do you have a counterfeit card? If yes, read on! If not, keep your eyes to yourself you nosy git!