Slavery and Snaga

''Brokil should always have a drink when he is in camp.'' - Brokil 

First and foremost it is important to note that anyone playing a slave or Snaga role, regardless of the in character circumstances, has the right to refuse any RP they don't wish to do. If someone is RPing with you in a manner you don't feel comfortable, just drop them a private message and let them know you are uncomfortable.

Don't forget to wear your group tag so everyone knows your rank or position! The Skull Coast denizens talk. A lot. When someone earns rank, word spreads quickly. 

Iron Captive vs Snaga

When first captured by the Black Tusks of the Skull Coast, a captive is placed in an iron collar. These individuals are nothing more than chattel and endure a bleak existence where they are just as likely to end up in the 'pot' as the Tribe's next meal. Life as a captive is not easy, no one even bothers to learn their names. 

These captives have no rights and no necessities; they are not allowed to wear clothing or own things. On top of that, they get followed by a 'goblin handler' at all times to ensure they get no second of privacy and, in theory, no chance of escape. On the bright side, the goblin handlers are easily distracted so if one truly wants to escape it is not really that difficult.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Should an Iron Captive survive the abuse and humiliation they may be seen as worthy of becoming a part of the tribe as a Snaga.

To get this far, a captive must be with the tribe for at least one week, and either complete two ''Snaga Tasks'' or participate in one event.

A Snaga is given a collar of copper to set them apart from the Iron Captives because a Snaga is not simply a slave, they are a part of the tribe. They are still often treated poorly by the denizens of the Skull Coast but a savvy Snaga knows that if they work hard and earn esteem with the Tribe that their lot in life can be greatly improved.

Some of the hardest working Snaga can even, eventually, gain enough influence to be heard by the Bahs and Hoks of the Tribe. The more clever the Snaga the more effective their influence can be. A subtle word about a low ranking Chorga, true or not, to the right ears can lead to a world of trouble for that Chorga. 

The Snaga relationship with the rest of the Tribe is a delicate balance of suffering and influence. It can be difficult to navigate, which is where the Snaga Whip and the Snaga Hooks come in, guiding Snaga through the complex eddies of life in the Tribe. 

Snaga Progression

Keep the Snaga Whip informed of your RP. This is done by posting in #sim-ic-share-nsfw and tagging @{SC} Snaga Whip (please just post highlights, not the entire scene) or by sending a notecard in world to the Snaga Whip.

Snaga Ranks

These are the early Snaga Ranks. A Snaga who has made it this far is starting to gain more attention from Tusks in the higher ranks, and if they are smart, they can use this to their advantage to avoid having to serve the Grots of the tribe.  Example: A Grot wants to order them about, but the Snaga could lie and claim that they have to serve a 3 pip soon and can't serve the Grot now. They might get away with it, but it would not be a guarantee.

Snaga who progress through these ranks are also starting to enjoy more benefits: They are given small daily meals and other necessities; are allowed to wear basic clothing; can ask a smith to forge them a better and more comfortable collar; they can take baths and regular breaks from their duties. The higher they climb in rank, the better the benefits become! 

On top of this, Snaga within these ranks also enjoy certain benefits: They get better and easier tasks and can order lower ranked Snaga to do their bidding. They can even get rid of that annoying goblin handler and enjoy much more privacy. This isn't even where the benefits end! They are now allowed to wear any clothes they can afford and enjoy meals of the same quality as a regular tribe member. The guards pay them much less mind and let the roam freely without having to be sneaky about it. 

Rank up requirements:

Sometimes captives or Snaga have a goblin handler that dogs their every footstep and in some cases acts as an interpreter.

Tusk Tasks - Snaga Edition

No matter what rank a Snaga is... all Snaga can do Snaga Tasks (or Tusk Tasks) to potentially increase their standing and to earn rewards and necessaries they need for their survival. If you complete a Snaga Task (or Tusk Task), please send a notecard with the RP to the Snaga Whip (ashley20xx) or the Snaga Hook (squee.udal). Post parts of your RP in the #sim-ic-share-nswf discord channel -with the tag #snaga-whip. Then you will learn which IC reward you have earned. These RPs also count towards your rank progression, so it's a win/win! 

.•°o.O  Daily life of a Snaga  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Gather supplies  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Brutish Tasks  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Brain Werky Tasks  O.o°•.

Disclaimer: All tasks must be done with at least one other player and can not be done solo. Feel encouraged to ask around if someone would like to help you, or walk up to someone and get some rp started. That's what we're all here for after all : )