Snaga Role

"Everyone Contributes To The Pot - One Way Or Another" -Mog

.•°o.O  Heed The Snaga Whip  O.o°•.

A Snaga is basically a slave to the orcs and goblins (and other faction members who may or may not have green skin) within the Black Tusk camp. They have been captured and forced to become a Snaga, or some other misfortune lead them to end up in this role. They are at the bottom of the pile, and have to serve the 'Tusks' with their body and soul until they can endure no more and succumb to their fate (this is what happens to NPC Snaga all the time), or manage to escape before it's too late. Only very few Snaga manage to survive the early stages of their new life (YOU, if you chose to play this role :) ), and prove that they are valuable enough to be kept alive long term.

Now, before I ramble on too much, I would like to clear up a few common misconceptions about the 'Snaga' role within the 'Skull Coast' faction.

I) Snaga are not only there to satisfy the lust of the brutish orcs and other faction members. In fact, sexual things don't happen as much as one might expect when hearing about this role for the first time. If you only wish to become a Snaga to be violated by orcs, then this might not be the right role for you and you might be better off as a temporary captive that is locked up inside a cage for a limited time only. Please don't misunderstand though! I too like the thought of brutish orcs forcing themselves on me, but the tribe can never guarantee to have someone available for that kind of rp. Of course it might happen that you end up in that situation every now and then (only with your OOC consent of course!), but there is much more to the role than 'that'. Being a Snaga is more about experiencing all kind of different roleplay situations from a slave/servant pov.

II) Most Snaga are female, that has always been like that and most likely will never change. However! I would like to mention here that this role is NOT gender locked. Males can become a Snaga as well, and being a male Snaga would be a completely different experience! You would not be sexually violated (unless that is something you want), and most of your time would be spent doing hard labor, and being a meat shield in combat situations. You would be trained to serve using your muscles and strength until you can no longer move... forced to throw yourself head first into any threat. It would be a more brutal and unforgiving situation than what the females have to deal with. I am sure it would be a lot of fun having a few more male Snaga around :)

III) All ranks of Snaga can move around the sim freely. No one is forced to sit in a cage or a limited area all the time. If there are days you don't feel like participating in any faction rp, then you can simply go somewhere else and find the kind of rp you are looking for. The NPC guards are not the smartest... any excuse you can come up with to leave the area for a while, would work on them. 

Okay! Now that the most common misconceptions are out of the way, I can ramble on again! So how does the process of becoming a Snaga work? Let me explain~

First you would find yourself in captivity... captured or who knows how you ended up in that terrible situation! At this point you would be officially a 'Temporary Captive', and if you have decided OOC'ly that you want to join the faction and become faction property, you would get collared with a Iron Collar and become a so called 'Iron Captive'.

The 'Iron Captive' role will give you enough time to experience some rp with the faction and it will help you decide if this is really what you want. After 1 week, and if you have been active enough, you will officially become a Snaga and be invited to the Snaga Group. Congratulations! Let the horror begin! I mean... welcome?