Gorgun's Court

"If you do not like the sting of nettles, do not shit in the woods." ~ Gaboon

Skull Coast is a chaotic place. Unruly, uncivilised and beyond the reach of laws.

Despite this, a rigid structure of status is enforced, based on the tenets of Mog and the benevolence of the truculuent Tyrant that rules the largest tribe deep in the darkness of the thick jungle. Higher status provides better living conditions, but do not mistake this for honour. The sly and the nefarious may find ways to circumvent this system, as long as they are savvy. A common phrase amongst the goblin community is: "What the Gorgun does not find out, wont hurt you." - Wise words, often spoken by the survivors! 

A large, snarling male orc who sits upon a throne, adorned with feathers, a skull, and various horns that curve to his face in a headdress.  The rotund orc is painted with a thick white paint on his skin that is dirtied and covered in hair. He also wares a belt that covers his groin area with glowing yellow eyes as he is slouched in his throne.

The Gorgun: Gaboon - (sociopath.resident)

It is said no orc grows old by accident. Only strength or cowardice is the answer. The Black Tusks regularly execute cowards.

The Great And Glorious Gaboon, Gorgun Of The Black Tusks, Slayer Of The Spider Priests, Holder Of Many Skulls, Great Lord of The Forests is the supreme leader of the Black Tusk Tribe. He is held in regard something akin to a saint, a monarch perhaps, or even a Papal figure by his people. For good reason: He must be the most benevolent, wise and generous of all the tribal chiefs to have ever existed. 

He Who Eats First casts his shining gaze across his people, guiding their lives like a spiritual lighthouse through his supreme oversight of the Tenets of Mog, leading them to greatness. The Nations of Sincadere have no choice but to recognise the stalwart strength of our peoples and pay homage and tribute to our continued everlasting success.

Some of the more jealous, belligerent, spineless cronies of other courts describe Gaboon as a petty capricious Tyrant, ruling over the Black Tusks through fear and intimidation. They whisper from the shadows of a monstrous creature, prone to bouts of unbridled rage, dosed into drowsiness by a consistent diet of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They chitter behind cupped hands of a violent, bloodthirsty warlord with loathsome appetites, lashing out and regularly murdering his subordinates when his unreasonable demands are not met. 

All of this, of course, is Elven propaganda. 

Composed and curated by nations envious of our perfected social model and ashamed of their own failings. For what nation can utter such profanity about our glorious Gorgun, when their own streets are littered with the poor, the sick and the lame? The Black Tusk Tribe have no such people within our stalwart wooden parapets. Such is the testament of his supreme leadership and the devotion of his mighty Hoks. 

The BahGun: Brokil - (bandxofxorcs.resident)

Remembers there being a cave and An old, One-eyed orc when he was young. They were in a swamp that had a mist that Brokil was not allowed to play in. Old orc taught him to hunt, fight, and survive. 

Old orcs would say to Brokil all the time “Brokil is an orc!” and that is how Brokil knows he is an orc. One day though the old orc was gone and then the others came. Brokil couldn’t see them at first, only heard them. 

They would tell him things, tell him he needed to do things because the Old Ones were comin’ back and if Brokil didn’t do what they told him to do then the Old Ones would be very cross with him. So Brokil listened. 

Made the brew and drank it every day like they told him to do so he could see them and the real real world. After a while though, Brokil didn’t need to drink the brew anymore. 

They were always there. That is when they told Brokil it was time to leave. That Brokil had important things to do. 

So Brokil went through the mist, through the woods, over the water, up the mountains, down the mountains, and….well...Brokil walked a lot. 

When Brokil arrived in Sincadere he found the Black Tusk and understood that this was where he was meant to be. The Tribe was lead by an old orc called Gaboon that knew the One eye orc who raised Brokil.

Brokil joined the tribe and vowed to serve Gaboon. Through determination and hard work he became the spitual advisor of the tribe, The Hok'Jicho. He served in this role for many years, teaching the ways of mog and the primals to other orcs and advising the Gorgun himself on such matters. When the former Bahgun, Rulgha the Red, stepped down from her position to enjoy much deserved rest the Gorgun chose Brokil to become the new Bahgun. As with Hok'Jicho he continues to serve and advise Gaboon, believing that the gorgun was chosen by the primals themselves to make the world GREEN.

Hok'Chorga Cipactli

Cipactli (savagevormund)

Hok'Teef Edd

Edd (ederadae.hannu)

A pale skinned unicorn woman sits in a field of blue flowers surrounded by apples. She is waring a navy blue colored silks holding a wooden staff in her right hand and an apple in her left hand. looking off ot the right as butterflies surround her head which is adorned with a feather headdress

Hok'Jicho Nimue

Kasia Mae (minaacedia)

The Bah Chorga

Sult (squee.udal)

Meatstikka (trixie.jonstone)

The Bah Teefs

Daelys Stormseeker (auberyn.resident)

The Bah Jicho

Jolek (angilias.Wasserszrom)

Odium (sweet.darkfury)

The Snaga Whip 


While not an IC part of the Gorgun's Court, the Snaga Whip plays an integral part to the smooth running of the Skull Coast. The Snaga Whip is responsible for the many Snaga that have been taken in by the tribe. It is the Whip who decides which Snaga get to wear clothing or get the first pick of the food provided to the Snaga. 

Snaga Hooks

Sult (squee.udal)

Guild Lead Coming Soon

Guild Lead Coming Soon

Guild Lead Coming Soon