
"Brokil gives them the gift of looking at him...they're welcome." ~Brokil

Common Terms and Concepts heard about the Skull Coast

Do not hesitate to suggest additions to the dic'tionary.

~ B ~ 


(Chorga, Teef and Jicho): The title given to the deputies of the Hoks. 


The title given to the Gorgun’s right hand. 

Bow'Teef Shop

This is the main shop for all things Mog. It is located within the temple of The Skull Coast which is structured in a way that anyone entering the temple is required to go through the shop. Good luck!

~ C ~ 

Chicken Tree

It's a tree with chickens tied to it, what do you want from us? Also, don't tell the Gorgun.


The name given to Tusks who are more martially focused. It is the First Eye of Mog and is associated with the color red.

~ E ~ 


The Three Eyes of Mog. The First Eye, Chorga. The Second Eye, Teef. And the Third Eye (or Weird Eye), Jicho. Whether Mog is a historical figure or a philosophy is not clear. 

~ G ~ 


The title given to our leader. He is considered a focal point of Mog, and oversees the continuation of the Tribes prosperity and strength. 


An enemy you would be sad if you couldn't fight anymore. The Orcish concept of love.

~ H ~ 

Hammah, the

The device used to punish rule breakers in the Meatgrindah. It also serves to prevent a fight going on too long. When there are only two combatants remaining the Hammah is utilized against both combatants if they do not land their own blows after two rounds. 


At one point, just a goblin named Henbutt… this has now become a title given to the Gorgun’s herald. When one Henbutt dies, another is appointed to keep the tradition alive and the Gorgun happy. 


(Chorga, Teef and Jicho): The title given to the leader of an eye. 

~ I ~ 

Iron Captive

A captive of the Tusks.

~ J ~ 


The name given to Tusks who are more intellectually and spiritually focused. It is the Third Eye of Mog and is associated with the color green.

~ K ~ 


A throat singer and keeper of lore for the tribe.

~ M

Meatbeatles, the

The Meatbeatles are Sincadere's NUMBER ONE Goblin Boy Band.... though members of the band are not necessarily boys or goblins. It is a vicious and hurtful rumour that none of the Meatbeatles actually sing and simply lip-sync. 

Meat beetle

A staple in the Black Tusk diet, they come in red, green and blue (though it is rumored purple beetles also exist). These beetles are about the size of a domestic cat. When the beetles are cracked open they reveal two slimy fillets similar to when a lobster tail is cracked open. These are usually eaten raw but can be cooked in a variety of ways. More recently these bugs have been utilized in Helheim in competitive racing.

Meat beetles one blue, one red, one green crawling o the right of the screen


Meatgrindah: the Gathering

The Meatgrindah is a monthly combat event held by the Black Tusks. The champions (there are two each month) have a Meatgrindah card made of them. Those cards have recently been turned into a game, Meatgrindah: the Gathering. View the Meatgrindah cards here.


Whether a creed or a legendary figure Mog is an integral part of the Black Tusk culture. One cannot be told about Mog, they must experience it first hand.

~ O ~ 


Others, with a capital 'O' are the spiritual servants and messengers of the Primals.

~ P ~ 


This refers to the closest thing the Tusks have to a religion.  There are a lot of primals, seek your nearest Jicho to learn more.

~ S ~ 


A child.  Most often used as an insult.  There are no NPC or PC children in the Tribe as Origins of Sin is an Adult sim so we do not permit children to be represented.


Skulls (usually bird skulls) finely carved with intricate designs. Skubs range in quality based on the skill of the carver. One well known skub master craftsman is our very own Gorgun.


Snaga are not just slaves, they have been tortured and conditioned into being loyal (or in some cases just acting loyal) servants and cannon fodder. Some snaga are sexual partners, others only act as shields in battle. No two snaga are alike so check in out of character with a snaga player before making assumptions. 

~ T ~ 

Troita Tea

This beverage is painstakingly prepared by the elders of the tribe.  It is a great honor to be offered this drink, especially if you are not a member of the tribe.  It looks like a cup of slimy mashed leaves.  Do you dare?


The name given to Tusks who are generally more clever and coin focused. It is the Second Eye of Mog and is associated with the color blue.

~ W ~ 

Wheel, the

The Bahgun is well known for turning errant goblins into hamsters and making them run on the wheel. If you are a goblin and the Bahgun asks if you like to travel... RUN! You probably won't outrun his spell, but running away will amuse the Bahgun.


This serves as both a greeting and a warning.  We are keeping an eye on you (Warning) and we see you (greeting).