The Primals

"It's getting, it's getting, it's getting kinda hectic" -Gaboon

The following content was created as a collaboration with many Tusk players and should not be used without the consent of the Gorgun. 

Illustrations by Bryn (kettleduck).

Kranklobûrz - The Dark Mother

Pictured is an orc woman with a feather and antler decorated headdress. She is holding her hands up shoulder height and only wearing a loincloth with bird bones and scale style cloak.

Appears as an older female orc in tribal garb. What is most important is her headdress. A massive display of feathers and antlers crown her head to show that she is the matron of orcs, beast, goblins, and other greenskins. She is the Primal of Tribe, Fertility, and the Cycle of Life and Death.

Element: Life, Death, Spirit

Gemstone: Emerald, Diamond

Plant: Orchid, Dahlia

Dance: Shoat-Maker Dance

Drink: The Mother (Chicken and Bone broth with Māmalu o Wahine)

Color: Green

Domains: Tribe, Fertility, and the Cycle of Life and Death.

The Dark Mother’s Others: Appear as shadowy nude orcish women with the skulls of animals for their heads. Bulls, Dears, Goats, and other skulls serve as their own

meatbeatles which look like giant horned beetles in either red, green or blue walking along the page to the right.

Ash Gothûrz - The Iron One

Appears as a massive bull orc in heavy armor, usually weidling a heavy shield and sword. He is the Primal of War, Battle, Glory, and Strength. He is the orc most greenskins give praise to. He was the first born and the strongest, physically, of all the others.

Element: Metal, Earth, Bone

Gemstone: Iron, Moissanite 

Plant: Aspidistra Elatior, Gladiolus 

Dance: Chorga Haka Dance

Drink: Iron One Brew (an exceptionally carb heavy brewed beer)

Color: Gray

Domains: War, Battle, Glory, and Strength

The Iron One’s Others: Appear as shadowy orcs in armor.

A massive orc adroend in iron armor holding a shield in the left hand and a sword in the right hand. He has glowing red eyes and covered in blood

Goth Snaga-ob - The Slavelord

Sitting on his throne is a massive four armed orc. he has a golden crown and glowing gold eyes. his four hands are holding various chains which reach down to the shadowy orc silhouettes. the shadow figures have the chains wrapped around there necks and arms.

Appears as a four armed orc in somewhat fancier dress than the others. He is bald with a goatee and proud, polished tusk. Draped over him are chains of iron, copper, silver, and gold as well as collars on his belt. He is the Primal of Domination, Subjugation, Control, Slavery, Judgement, and Oaths. He was the Primal who put the Elder Ones in chains.

Jicho Dok on the Slavelord “The various creatures around him like a collection also sparked the hoarding nature of a fae. What were these creatures to a god but shinies to a Teef?”

Element: Metal, Flesh, Spirit

Gemstone: Gold, Platinum

Plant: Periwinkle, Devil’s Breath 

Dance: Slave Lord's Juba Dance

Drink: Master and Commander (Champagne and Bourbon with a sugar cube and flakes of gold)

Color: Gold

Domains: Domination, Subjugation, Control, Slavery, Judgement, and Oaths

Slavelord’s Others: Appear as both shadowy female and male orcs with collars around their necks and chains hanging down.

Ash Ghaashûrz - The Burning One

Appears as a black, bestial orc on fire. His eyes glow like embers as flames lick around his muscular figure. He is the Primal of Hatred, Anger, Fire, and Rage.

Element: Fire, Earth

Gemstone: Fire Opal, Obsidian

Plant: Cloves, Dragons Blood

Dance: Burning One's Blades Dance

Drink: Conflagration (cinnamon, whiskey, blood orange)

Color: Orange

Domains: Hatred, Anger, Fire, and Rage

The Burning One’s Others: Appear as shadowy orcs with shadowy fire on them.

Standing in flames that cover his body is a black orc roaring out. his eyes enflamed and fames come form hsi hands as shadowy figures dance around the fiery orc.

Sharlob Prakhûrz Globat - The Despoiler

A beautiful orc woman stands nude only covered by purple smoke, adorned with pearls, and a thin gold chain. her fingers gently caress a thin veil that barely covers her tusks with glowing white eys as she stands in a sultry standing pose with one arm behind her back.

Appears as a stunning orcish female. Her body is slightly muscular and slender, her features beautiful even by elf standards. She stands nude, sprawled out with her face slightly obscured by a see-through veil that did little to cover her tusk and lips. She is the Primal of Lust, Desire, Pleasure, and Indulgence. Everything is Permitted and too much is never enough.

Element: Flesh, Water

Gemstone: Amethyst, Charoite

Plant: Poppy, Nightshade

Dance: Despoilers Seduction

Drink: Sweet Bliss  (Cherry, Peach, Apricot, and wine)

Color: Purple

Domains: Lust, Desire, Pleasure, and Indulgence

The Despoiler’s others: Appear as shadowy orcish women, beautiful in appearance but with strange featureless faces.

Ash Grish-ob - The One of Blood

Appears as an orcish adonis, the twin brother of the Despoiler. His body is perfect, muscular and toned. Despite this he is covered in blood with open gashes over his entire body. Shards of Metal stick out of him like horns along his brow and spine. He is the Primal of Suffering, Pain, Torture, Endurance, and Muscle. He revels in suffering and inflicting suffering on others. He is both a sadist and a masochist.

Element: Flesh, Bone 

Gemstone: Ruby, Garnet

Plant: Blood Lily, Gympie-gympie

Dance: Bloodied Fight Dance

Drink: Suffering Shot: (Blackberries, Blood, Rum )

Color: Red

Domains: Suffering, Pain, Torture, Endurance, and Muscle

The One of Blood’s others: Appear as shadowy orcs dripping blood with it pooling around their feet.

A massive handsome orc stands covered in blood. he had a crown of horns that come from his forehead.

Sharlobzgûrz - The Thunderer

From thundering clouds emerging is a scowling blue orc who has lightning in her eyes and flowing hair

Appears as a storm made into a female orc. Swirling clouds and lighting as well as thrashing water of the sea. Her eyes glow and crackle with power. She is the Primal of Storms, Seas, Change, Freedom, Electricity. She does not have others as she sees to her business herself. She is one of the most fickle to please and is very particular on when/how she answers calls for her.

Element: Wind, Water, Lightning

Gemstone: Sapphire,Lapis lazuli

Plant: Rain Lilies, Anemones

Dance: Thunderer's Fervor

Drink: Electric Eel Juice (Either tastes extremely sweet, or harsh with a strong fishy aftertaste) 

Domains: Storms, Seas, Change, Freedom, and Electricity

Color: Blue

<Name Omitted> - The Destroyer

Appears as an abomination. A giant hulking four armed beast made of shadow with an orcish head. Tentacles sway from his sides and back and his face has solid white eyes with a giant grin showing off razor sharp teeth and tusk. He is a monster. The orc coveted power and devoured Mshenzi thus becoming corrupted. He was forbidden to go with the others to the Good Tribe place and so he wanders the world, eating the souls of orcs left behind with too much bad mog. He has no Others, only his hunger.

Element: Void, Darkness, Spirit

Gemstone: Onyx, Black Diamond

Plant: Venus Fly Trap, Kudzu

Dance: Wendigo Walk

Drink: Souls

Domains: Hunger, Treachery, Destruction, and Void

Color: Black

A showdery looking orc that is a monstrosity.

Ash LakimThe Grinning One

a goblin holding a bag of coin in the left hand and a knife on the right. his face holdign a large grin as he fucks a shy blond elf from behind doggy style.

Usually drawn by goblins so often depicted crudely and hastily drawn. A goblin holding up a money bag as he does an elf doggy style. He is the Primal of Cunning, Greed, Coin, and Trickery. He is the ‘newest’ primal and does not have others yet.

Element: Metal

Gemstone: Copper, Pyrite

Plant: Yellow Rose, Gazania

Dance: The Grinning Deal

Drink: The hazard ( mixture of all drinks leftover at a local tavern)

Domains: Cunning, Greed, Coin, and Trickery

Color: Copper