Teefly Intrigue

"You only see me when I want you to see me" ~ Botley FlimFlam

What is a Teef? What do they do?

Don't forget to wear your group tag so everyone knows your rank or position! The Skull Coast denizens talk. A lot. When someone earns rank, word spreads quickly. 

A Teef is interested in one thing and one thing only (most days), and that's earning coin. There is very little a Teef WON'T do to line their pockets with someone else's hard earned money.

Some Teef choose to increase their wealth the old fashioned way: Through hard work and skilled labor. A vast majority of Teefs are exceptional craftsmen who practice woodcarving, metalworking, and even alchemical creations. From fixing doors, to crafting custom fit armors, to honing a dulled blade, there's a Teefly Tusk for every occasion!

Be wary however... There are some Teefs who excel at deception, trickery, and are the kings and queens of laziness. These Teefs may boast of being the best of the best and sell you a 'high quality' piece of merchandise, only for it to break upon first use. There is a well known Meatbeatles song these particular Teefs sing on the regular: NO REFUNDS!

So long as the sale is completed and coins change hands, a Teef is as happy as a clam soaked in wine!

A lesser known aspect of being a Teef, is their skills in subterfuge and stealth. Teefs travel the region selling their wares, becoming a normal sight within the realms and therefore, often overlooked. A Teef knows when to listen. A GREAT Teef knows how to run a stall while ALSO listening. Information is everything after all!

A Tusks usual path to settling things that upset them is to Chorga their way through it. Break whatever blocks your path, and turn anyone who gets in your way into a bloody puddle. A Teef chooses a less conventional path: A Teef doesn't fight their battles, they PAY others to fight for them. 

A well crafted poison slipped in the target's drink, a venom covered thumbtack left on their favorite chair at the brothel, paying a no-named hitman to corner them in an alley, employing a Chorga's strength to bully coins you are owed out of them.

These are but a few examples of how a Teef may choose to operate.

If there's ever a social gathering anywhere in the realm, you can bet your bottom copper that there will be a Teef behind a stall. Festivals, ceremonies, coronations.. There's no place a Teef would rather be than peddling their wares, legal or otherwise, to any passerby that stops long enough to listen.

A Teef's renown grows with the stories they tell. Such as: 

Bragging about your wealth and betting it is common place amongst Teefs. Many choose to wager their hard earned coins in games of chance or betting on fights. These are all to honor the Grinning One. A Teef dreams of earning his favor, and the Grinning One likes it when his followers take risks. The rush of adrenaline, playing the odds, duping a rube with a well rehearsed hustle! If the Grinning One smiles upon you, it is Good Mog indeed!

"The Acquisition Of Coin Is The Virtue - How It Is Earned Is Not" - Tenet of Mog

Tusk Tasks - Teef Edition

The following tasks are posted to get a sense of direction if you've come to the Tusks to serve the Second Eye of Mog. The Second Eye oversees our brave little Teef and their enterprising hands, bringing the tribe whatever it is we cannot make ourselves, or making just that which we do best. 

Should you choose to busy yourself on the Teef side of things, you can report your attempts, whether successful or failed, to the Hok'Teef, Edd (ederade.hannu). Either send a notecard of the RP, or select a few of your best posts from the RP and post them to #sim-ic-share-nsfw making sure to tag @{SC}Hok'Teef.

There is a Tusk wisdom that reads:

"The Acquisition of Coin is Virtue - How it is earned, is not." 

We try to live up this this, by any means necessary. It is known.

The acquisition of value can be done in many ways, but the ones we recommend are gathering, crafting, selling, spying and stealing. We will discuss each in a section below with suggestions to make your time with us structured and meaningful.

For roleplay that involves either spying or stealing, please be aware of the sim rules for criminal behaviour.

Happy Teefing, Tusk!

.•°o.O  Gathering  O.o°•.

"If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere." 

.•°o.O  Fighting  O.o°•.

"Why get thumped when you can pay someone else to take the beating for you?"

.•°o.O  Crafting  O.o°•.

"We are always looking for bigger and better ways to blow stuff up."

.•°o.O  Selling  O.o°•.

"I got the best deals, anywhere." 

.•°o.O  Spying  O.o°•.

"Infiltrate and Infuriate!" 

.•°o.O  Stealing  O.o°•.

"Never ask when you can take"

.•°o.O  Rent-A-Tusk  O.o°•.

"Not Skilled enough to make things? Not clever enough to sell things? Sell yourself! Become a Rent-A-Tusk!"