Earning Rank

"If he spent his day stomping ants he would have no more time for important stuff" ~ Brokil

An important note on earning rank within the Black Tusks of the Skull Coast: Since it is possible to rank up in three different Eyes there are two types of announcements surrounding earning a pip in an Eye.

Promotion: These are usually posted by the Gorgun and announce that someone has ranked up in their Primary Eye. Only the Gorgun gets to decide who is being promoted.

Accolades: These are posted by the Hoks of the respective Eyes and in essence are the same as a 'promotion', the only difference is the Hoks are not permitted to go higher than the rank of the person's Primary Eye

For example, the Gorgun promotes Rukbah to a much deserved 2nd pip in Chorga. Then the Hok Teef realizes that Rukbah is also good at selling things and decides to grant him his first pip in Teef! Good job Rukbah. In fact the Hok Teef could give Rukbah a second pip in Teef because it meets, but does not exceed, his rank in his Primary Eye.

Don't forget to wear your group tag so everyone knows your rank or position! The Skull Coast denizens talk. A lot. When someone earns rank, word spreads quickly.

Skull Islander (everyone role)

A Skull Islander is a resident of the landmass known as Skull Coast without any further affiliations to the groups or populations that inhabit the area. Independence is acknowledged, but the protections afforded to groups are non-existent. This role is assigned to anyone who is a part of the Skull Coast regardless of their other roles. 

Tusk Friend

Those who have not sworn allegiance but still find themselves spending a lot of time around the Skull Coast who have been accepted. This can cover allies, diplomats sent from other factions and Islanders who have closer connections to the Tribe than typical Islanders but are still not part of the Tusk cultural infrastructure. 

Skull Coast Trader

The Great and Glorious Gorgun is far too busy being glorious and great to deal with every wanna-be trader that comes to the Skull Coast. This duty falls on the Hok'Teef's shoulders. Seek out the Hok'Teef with your proposed trade deal or to simply ask permission to trade on their shores. Traders are percieved as beneficial to the Tusks and can merit protection provided by the Tribe from the more dangerous occurances between the factions. 

Iron Captive


A Grot is a “citizen” who joins the faction directly instead of via a guild beholden to the faction.

A hamster sits upon a green meat beetle with a knife in his mouth and very curly hair on his head.
blue, green and red fantasy style swords

Bad Ass Choppas from left to right, Teef, Jicho and Chorga. 

The Early Ranks - 1-Pip to 3-Pip

Making it into your preferred Eye is quite a big deal! But what now?

On reaching the 3rd pip in an Eye, the Hok of that Eye will present a bad ass choppa to acknowledge the hard work and Good Mog!

Later Ranks - 4-Pip to 6-Pip

So you've made a name for yourself. Your fellow tribe members are starting to count on you, rely on you, and ask for your help. What's next?

Gorgun's Court (Hoks, Bahs, Whip, Hooks, Guild Leads, Guild 2iC)

Bahgun (faction 2iC)

Gorgun (faction lead)