Teefly Intrigue - Forgery

"What the Gorgun doesn't know, won't hurt you." - Goblin saying

Forge ahead, dear Teef, with your glorious forgery!

There are no official sim rules on Forgery. This was created by a player and all parties involved (those who have items listed that we are allowed to forge) have given their OOC consent. If you want to counterfeit something not on the list you will need to reach out for OOC permission from the people you’d be counterfeiting/forging (ie, if you want to make a counterfeit Hall Pass for Hogwarts, reach out to the OOC owner of Hogwarts for permission). Then tell the Hok'Teef so they can add it to the list!

First and foremost, role play! Once you are at a stage where you are crafting your forgery, follow these steps:

Notecard template:

((This document is a forgery! It was painstakingly crafted by a master forger. On creating this item a “Sneak” roll was made. When trying to determine if these papers are legit, roll an “Action Roll” on the dice hud and add your perception modifier (if you have one)! If your roll MEETS or BEATS the forgery sneak roll, you have discovered the treachery! Please make sure there is a reason for you to check on the papers and that you’re not just rolling because of this OOC note!))

Forgery Sneak roll: (insert roll)

Forger (if you need more information): (insert SL name)

(Insert the IC content of counterfeit. Do you know what the original looks like? Even better!)

Approved documents

These prices are set by Mick Dagger for his Totally Legit Document business. Mick is bad with money, set your own prices and see what you can earn. 

The Kingdom of  Helheim Documents:

5c Nobility (Count or Baron)

5c Knighthood

5c Helheim Citizenship

5c Helheim Tax Exemption

The Jade Lotus Empire Documents:

5c JLE Travel Papers

5c Official Jade Palace Tours*

5c Patents of Nobility (Empress/Emperor, etc)

5c Tea with the Empress

5c Diploma for the JLE College of JLE Stuff

5c Get out of JLE Jail Free Card (one time use)

* JLE Guards will not permit you to enter the palace even with this counterfeit as they do not offer palace tours. Make sure to tell your “mark” this so they don’t get into trouble OOC. 

The Cabbala Amartia Documents:

5c Cabbala College of Obscure Arts Diploma

5c Cabbala letter of safe passage

5c Cabbala letter of good conduct 

5c Membership to the Den*

5c Coupon for a Free Drink at the Bound Elf

5c A date with the Archon of the Cabbala

5c An intimate encounter with the Madame of the Den

5c A Doctorate of Sexual Perversions from the Den Academy of Kink

* The Den does not have a membership, but you can still buy one from us! 

Nascentia Documents:

None at this time.

The Skull Coast Documents:

None at this time.